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Russia, Armavir
June 5, 2017
Top 250 curators, who were rewarded at 2018-11-25
Chart analysis There are 7409 curators, who were rewarded with 1065.752 Steem Power Plankton - 3674 (49.588%) got rewards - 11.557 (1.084%) Steem Power Minnows - 2642 (35.659%) got rewards - 75.013 (7.038%)
$ 0.000
Top 250 authors, who were rewarded max payout at 2018-11-25
Chart analysis There are 619 authors, were rewarded with 1317.719 Steem Dollars Plankton - 346 (55.896%) got rewards - 340.838 (25.865%) Steem Dollars Minnows - 197 (31.825%) got rewards - 515.585 (39.127%)
$ 0.000
Top 100 posts with maximum payout - 2018-11-25
Thank you for your subscription and upvotes Please, read about new Google Chrome Extension for delayed upvoting N  PostRating 1 KEOS가 작성한 글을 소개합니다. / 리스팀+댓글 최대 $0.6 보팅48.12 2 Market Summary November 18
$ 0.000
Top 250 authors, who were rewarded max payout at 2018-11-24
Chart analysis There are 4711 authors, were rewarded with 12924.013 Steem Dollars Plankton - 3023 (64.168%) got rewards - 3114.214 (24.096%) Steem Dollars Minnows - 1310 (27.807%) got rewards - 5059.8
$ 0.021
Top 100 posts with maximum payout - 2018-11-24
Thank you for your subscription and upvotes Please, read about new Google Chrome Extension for delayed upvoting N  PostRating 1 All Those Who Wander Are Lost; Perseverance Is the Key to Success in
$ 0.018
Top 100 posts with maximum payout - 2018-11-23
Thank you for your subscription and upvotes Please, read about new Google Chrome Extension for delayed upvoting N  PostRating 1 Camera, Action! Breaking Down the Small Effect...264.803 2 The Marketing
$ 0.000
Top 250 authors, who were rewarded max payout at 2018-11-23
Chart analysis There are 5045 authors, were rewarded with 14919.693 Steem Dollars Plankton - 3250 (64.42%) got rewards - 3459.167 (23.185%) Steem Dollars Minnows - 1388 (27.512%) got rewards - 6235.446
$ 0.000
Top 100 posts with maximum payout - 2018-11-22
Thank you for your subscription and upvotes Please, read about new Google Chrome Extension for delayed upvoting N  PostRating 1 Allegory of the Cave and How Our Perception of Reality Changes
$ 0.000
Top 100 posts with maximum payout - 2018-11-21
Thank you for your subscription and upvotes Please, read about new Google Chrome Extension for delayed upvoting N  PostRating 1 Future Can Be Seen in the Eyes of Those Closest to You...280.924 2 Secret
$ 0.000
Top 100 posts with maximum payout - 2018-11-20
Thank you for your subscription and upvotes Please, read about new Google Chrome Extension for delayed upvoting N  PostRating 1 Takes Only 5 Seconds to Win!!!361.415 2 Another Awesome DApp to Hit
$ 0.000
Top 100 posts with maximum payout - 2018-11-19
Thank you for your subscription and upvotes Please, read about new Google Chrome Extension for delayed upvoting N  PostRating 1 Will NEVER Gain Mass Adoption (video/podcast)303.644 2 Mascot Design Contest
$ 0.000
Top 250 authors, who were rewarded max payout at 2018-11-18
Chart analysis There are 5098 authors, were rewarded with 17970.044 Steem Dollars Plankton - 3371 (66.123%) got rewards - 4538.747 (25.257%) Steem Dollars Minnows - 1332 (26.127%) got rewards - 7760.417
$ 0.000
Top 100 posts with maximum payout - 2018-11-18
Thank you for your subscription and upvotes Please, read about new Google Chrome Extension for delayed upvoting N  PostRating 1 DOES YOU BETTER, IT'S NOT SLAVERY! FIGHT FOR YOUR DREAMS!315.79 2 and White
$ 0.000
Top 100 posts with maximum payout - 2018-11-17
Thank you for your subscription and upvotes Please, read about new Google Chrome Extension for delayed upvoting N  PostRating 1 Importance of Discipline!! Not Determining A Date To Reach Your PLANS Is
$ 0.000
Top 100 posts with maximum payout - 2018-11-16
Thank you for your subscription and upvotes Please, read about new Google Chrome Extension for delayed upvoting N  PostRating 1 a Bet: Blockchain will revolutionize prediction markets. (+ Contest)258.102
$ 0.000
Top 100 posts with maximum payout - 2018-11-15
Thank you for your subscription and upvotes Please, read about new Google Chrome Extension for delayed upvoting N  PostRating 1 Do We Make a Mistake in Managing Time? Reprogramming Your Mindset! Read This
$ 0.000
Top 100 posts with maximum payout - 2018-11-14
Thank you for your subscription and upvotes Please, read about new Google Chrome Extension for delayed upvoting N  PostRating 1 Paradigms Chapter 7 - WHEN GENEROSITY MUST BE INTELLIGENT? "FIRST PRIORITIZE
$ 0.000
Top 100 posts with maximum payout - 2018-11-13
Thank you for your subscription and upvotes Please, read about new Google Chrome Extension for delayed upvoting N  PostRating 1 Share $50,000+ in Fun, Free Quests by Akropolis!376.208 2 You Had a Chance
$ 0.000
Top 250 curators, who were rewarded at 2018-11-12
Chart analysis There are 17109 curators, who were rewarded with 12042.99 Steem Power Plankton - 10582 (61.85%) got rewards - 136.603 (1.134%) Steem Power Minnows - 4854 (28.371%) got rewards - 836.361
$ 0.000
Top 250 authors, who were rewarded max payout at 2018-11-12
Chart analysis There are 6022 authors, were rewarded with 27522.178 Steem Dollars Plankton - 4066 (67.519%) got rewards - 6624.084 (24.068%) Steem Dollars Minnows - 1518 (25.207%) got rewards - 12358.55
$ 0.000

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