Splinterlands Social Media Challenge Rewards Cards | New Card "Delya" Extensive story


Next we are going to tell you a story about "Delya ", a new card much more extensive story about this great Splinterlands.

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Delya, once a master archer of the Xenith Scale, had dedicated her life to the delicate balance between good and evil. The Xenith Scale, an ancient order of monks, believed that the forces of the universe must remain in equilibrium, and their actions were always calculated to avoid tipping the scales. Delya, like her brothers and sisters in the order, was taught to observe without interference, to learn without engaging, and to let the cosmic forces play out as they would.

But when the Chaos legions began their assault on the Splinterlands, the monks of the Xenith Scale hesitated. The invasion was unprecedented, but the Xenith believed that even the darkest forces had their place in the grand design of the universe. Action could destabilize everything, they argued. So, instead of rallying against the Chaos Empire, they sent Delya to the Praetorian temple as a scout, tasked with observing the unfolding events and reporting back.

As Delya traveled through Praetoria, witnessing the devastation left in the wake of the Chaos Empire, a sense of unease grew within her. Entire villages were razed, innocents were enslaved, and the land itself seemed to wither under the oppressive shadow of Chaos. Her bow, once a tool of precision and protection, now felt useless in her hands. She was told not to intervene, that her mission was only to observe. But as the days turned to weeks, and the suffering she witnessed grew, the weight of her order's inaction began to weigh heavily on her soul.

One evening, while passing through the remains of a decimated town, Delya found a group of survivors hiding in the ruins. They were starving, terrified, and utterly broken. Their eyes begged for salvation, but the monks had been clear—interference could disrupt the balance. Delya left them, her heart heavy, but her feet continued to carry her forward. That night, she could not sleep. The cries of those she had left behind haunted her, and in the darkness, she made a decision that would forever alter her path.

By morning, Delya returned to the village with her bow in hand. She helped the survivors relocate to a hidden refuge, using her skills as an archer to protect them from Chaos scouts. Word of her defiance spread, and more Praetorians began to seek her out for aid. The more she helped, the more she realized that the Xenith Scale’s doctrine of non-interference was a false hope. The Chaos legions were not a natural force, they were an aberration, a cancer that sought not balance but total annihilation.

Delya sent her reports back to the temple, urging the monks to reconsider their stance and rise against Chaos. But her pleas fell on deaf ears. The order still believed that the Chaos Empire was simply another aspect of the universal balance, and they refused to act. Infuriated by their inaction, Delya made the hardest decision of her life—she severed her ties with the Xenith Scale and vowed to fight against the Chaos legions herself.

Embracing her new path, Delya became a legendary figure among the Praetorian resistance. Her unmatched skills with the bow, combined with her strategic mind, allowed her to strike swiftly and decisively against Chaos forces. With each battle, she grew stronger, not only in her physical abilities but in her resolve. She had chosen her side in the war for Praetoria, and she would no longer be a passive observer.

The Chaos Empire soon learned of the rogue archer defying their legions, and she became a target. Assassins were sent to kill her, but Delya had become something more than just an archer—she had become a symbol of hope. The people rallied around her, inspired by her bravery and determination. She led them in guerrilla strikes against the Empire, whittling down their forces and reclaiming small territories piece by piece.

Though the Xenith Scale disavowed her actions, Delya knew in her heart that she was doing what needed to be done. The balance they so desperately sought to maintain was already shattered, and if she did not act, there would be no world left to balance at all. Each arrow she loosed was not only a strike against the Chaos legions but a testament to her belief that some things—some evils—must be fought.

Delya’s name soon became known not only to the people of Praetoria but to the Chaos commanders as well. They feared her, for she embodied the one thing they could not control: resistance. Though she had once been a silent observer, she was now a force to be reckoned with, a warrior who fought not for herself but for the very soul of Praetoria.

In the end, Delya understood that balance was not something that could be maintained through passivity. It was something to be fought for, tooth and nail, against the forces that sought to destroy it. And with her bow in hand and fire in her heart, she vowed to fight until her last breath./p>

I hope you like this great story of "Delya" as much as I do, see you soon.

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