Seeds of Doubt : #7

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Seeds of Doubt

It was another sunny morning as Amani rushed to her garden, eager to start the day. She grabbed all of her tools and set them outside. Then, she took off her shoes and planted her feet in the cool, dew-covered grass, wiggling her toes. She didn’t like - or need, coffee, so her alternative to wake herself up was shocking the body in the chilly morning. Though it was bracingly cold, honestly, she grew to enjoy the feeling.

“Good morning, my lovely friends!” she announced to the fruits and vegetables. She imagined them saying it back in unison. They actually did say, though she couldn’t perceive it.

“Alright, so after a good amount of thought, I realized I have no idea how to do exactly what I want to do. But, that’s not gonna stop me from trying! Of course, if you'd all like to help me brainstorm, that would be delightful!"

She walked over to the Blackberries and looked their bush up and down. “Hmmmm.” Then she proceeded to walk around the Garden and observe every fruit and vegetable. “I think…you’ll do good by the carrots, no?” She walked back to the house and grabbed a shovel. The Blackberries began to panic, which was quite a sight to see for the other fruits, having never seen them display any emotion. Before they knew it, their roots were out of the ground. Amani rushed to the carrots and dug a deep hole right next to them. Then she dropped the Blackberry bush in. This was perfect in the Carrots’ minds; now spying would be no trouble at all.

Amani made her way over to the Peppers and the Blueberries. “You know, I know you two probably don’t like each other, but sometimes you just need to get better acquainted, y’know?” she said to the bunch. The Peppers’ eyes widened. The Blueberries gulped. As quickly as it had happened to the Blackberries, the Blueberries were uprooted and brought next to the Peppers. Both parties were furious but forcefully compliant.

“As for you, Mint…” she started. “Maybe I’ll just leave you be. Also,” she paused, rustling the leaves. “Didn't there used to be more of you?”

She went to work on other things among the garden as the fruits and vegetables argued away. The Peppers and Blueberries weren’t quite close enough to hit each other but they certainly tried. The Blackberries awkwardly hung, no longer in their own private area. The Carrots peered up. “Lovely weather we’re having!” Curran called out. There was no response. The Mint couple tried to take everyone’s mind off of the change by telling jokes, but no one listened.

This went on for some time while Amani worked away the afternoon. Around midday, the gate opened and in came her best friend, her cousin.

“Layna!” Amani cried out as she went in for a hug.

“How are you doin', girl???” Her cousin asked, returning the embrace.

The two went into the farmhouse for lunch, updating each other on life. After a little while, they returned to the backyard so Amani could show her the progress she had made.

“Ok, this is gonna seem pretty wild, but bear with me,” Amani excitedly told her.

“Lay it on me.”

“So you know how I told you about money being kinda tight right now? Well, the lack of income is threatening to make me lose the farm!”

“Rotten squash!” cursed Layna.

“Now, just hold your horses! I might have an idea that could be a solution if it succeeds. I present to you my plan…” Amani displayed the couple of bushes she had moved closer to one another.

Layna looked confused. “What? You got new fruits?”

“No, girl! I’m gonna try and combine some fruits and vegetables to make an entirely new product! A hybrid of sorts!” Amani realized how silly it probably sounded to someone else.

“Mmmmhmm…” Layna’s confused face scrunched together. “So you’re gonna do that by…putting the bushes next to each other? You know that’s not how it works, right?”

Amani shrugged, now a little embarrassed. “Well, “ Amani scratched at her head, thinking back to biology class. “Kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus, species.”

Layna waited, impatiently. “Yeah, so you remember your science classes. Good start.”

Sniffing in indignation, Amani continued. “Follow along, my dear cousin. If we want to get a new species - I would think we need to back up! Of course we can’t go too far back to make hybrids! Certainly not up to kingdom or phylum… but if we start smooshing plants together…” Amani waggled her eyebrows. “See where I’m going with it???” Amani plopped down in the midst of her lush garden, and fanned her arms out, touching the fruits in her arm's reach. "I'll take the best of the best - you see? Can't just grab any old plant and expect a miracle! You can see that some just... well some just like each other better than the others! I don't know how to explain it but I can just SEE it! I'll choose the ones that represent their families and start there. Once I have a nice collection of families, then I'll get them to mingle ! The sweetest personalities, the juiciest stories to share, the spiciest temperaments! What conversations and friendships will come about!!! "Amani giggled at the thought of the conversations her plants must surely share with one another. Sure it was fueled by her dreemy imagination, but who was to say what went on in the plant kingdom! Of course people thought she was crazy, and maybe she was a little bit! But life was so much more interesting this way! "I just know that I'm onto something here Layla! If I can just get the right groups to know each other like I know them - I'm bound to get the right mix!"

Layna could tell she was pushing, but continued, “But with hybrids... Amani! I'm not sure that's.... I mean - I know you've always had fun with your garden, but I think you're going a bit too far. What are you expecting to happen, something magical?”

“Something dreemy,” Amani responded. She gave a small, self-satisfied smirk.

Layna looked back at the plants and then back at her, “Whatever you say, deary. I love ya but maybe keep some of these plans to yourself and work on something that will actually make you money.” She began walking towards the gate, “I gotta get to work though, it was nice seeing you again!”

Amani gave a little wave, “You too!” She tried to act unscathed by her cousin’s disbelief, though it was pretty clear it had affected her.

She sat down and sighed. “Well, I guess I’ll call it a night and see how things are going tomorrow,” she said to the plants. She stood up, brushed off the dirt, and walked inside.

Posts of Season 2
If you are just finding out about DreeMerge Season 2 - Here is all you need to catch up! To collect your cards - be sure to do your daily curation tasks on DreemPort and if you need to ask questions live - head over to our DreemPort discord. The prize to solve the mystery FIRST is 350 HBD - go it alone, or form a tEEM and split the winnings amongst yourselves. Clues can be found in the storyline to guide your journey! Good luck!

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Thanks to @shadowspub, @penderis, @bluefinstudios, @kemmyb, @wesphilbin, @melinda010100, @samsmith1971, @silversaver888, @lizelle, @kenechukwu97, @jacoalberts, @acgalarza, @blackdaisyft, @balikis95, @alessandrawhite, and @dreemsteem for making the @dreemport voting power go farther! ❤️

Image created with Midjourney for DreeMerge2

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