Tree Branches - A Different Theme | Monomad Challenge [ENG/ESP]


Yesterday I was walking around the ecological park of Buenos Aires for a while, I was thinking that I have already visited this place many, many times but I could take some pictures from another point of view, find details or things that are not necessarily the landscape of the park since I have photographed it many times. I just walked in and started looking around its streets while observing much more than these landscapes.

I got to one part just as I was about to leave and found some branches that were next to one of the lakes, almost banging against the water. I thought it would be a good idea to dedicate a set especially to the branches of this tree, being able to get some contrasts and textures, but without being too close, I also didn't want a close-up or something macro.

There was some light hitting part of those branches while in other spaces there was a lot of shadow, that was enough to get my camera out and take some photos.

It's a little different theme than what I always do, I'm not sure if some people will like it but I do 😅 so today I'm sharing this set with you. I hope you all had a very nice Sunday. Best regards to all of you.

Ayer estuve caminando un rato por el parque ecológico de Buenos Aires, estaba pensando en que ya he visitado este lugar muchísimas veces pero podría tomar algunas fotos desde otro punto de vista, encontrar detalles o cosas que no sean necesariamente el paisaje del parque ya que lo he fotografiado muchas veces. Solo entré y empecé a mirar por sus calles mientras observaba mucho mås que estos paisajes.
Llegué a una parte justo cuando estaba a punto de salir y encontré algunas ramas que estaban junto uno de los lagos, casi golpeaban contra el agua. Pensé en que sería buena idea dedicar un set especialmente a las ramas de este årbol, pudiendo conseguir algo de contrastes y texturas, pero sin que sea demasiado cerca, tampoco quería un close-up o algo macro.
HabĂ­a algo de luz golpeando parte de esas ramas mientras que en otros espacios habĂ­a mucha sombra, eso fue suficiente como para sacar mi cĂĄmara y tomar algunas fotos.
Es una temática un poco diferente a lo que siempre suelo hacer, no estoy muy seguro de que a algunos les guste pero a mí sí 😅 así que hoy les comparto este set. Espero que hayan tenido un muy buen domingo. Un abrazo para todos.

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That's all folks. Thanks for stopping by and appreciating.

"Photography is a universal language that transcends the barriers of culture and time." Fan-Ho.


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