STREET ART #178 – Urban art in the district of Braamfontein, Johannesburg

When in Johannesburg, we stayed in the district Braamfontein. A district with both historical important places, like the Constitutional Court, but also university and severeal art galleries and art museum. We also noticed that there are lots of street art. Some are really huge and visible from a distance. Some rather small and hidden in small streets.

The most impressive mural we saw on our afternoon walk have to be this huge portrait. In order to pay tribute to Nelson Mandela the American artist Shepard Fairey painted this huge portrait in September 2014. It was then 25 years since the Purple Rain Protest took place. The building is a 10 story building visible from quite a distance. Notice the purple letters. The Purple Rain Protest was an anti-apartheid protest. A day in September 1989 lots of protester took to the streets in Cape Town. What the police did, was shooting at them with a water cannon. The water was dyed with purple. Hence the name of the protest. Nelson Mandela played a major role in the struggle for freedom. He managed to achieve this freedom, even it took him many years. But in the end he became president of South Africa.

This house with portraits are found just around the corner from the mural with Nelson Mandela. All painted in shades of blue. It's a corner building where we noticed it's decorated on both walls. This building is located opposite the Nelson Mandela mural.

Another building near the previous murals. I haven't managed to find out about the artist. We saw lots of impressive murals. But it was from sitting in a car, driving on a guided tour out of town. So unfortunatly I did not get a chance to take any photos. But one afternoon my sister and I did go down the street to find some of the murals we saw from the bus and close to our hotel. I hope I get a chance to walk more around next time.

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Latest street art post, check out :
STREET ART #177 – Karolinelund in Aalborg (Denmark)


Kristiansand, Norway

All the photoes are mine, Ulla Jensen (flickr, Instagram and facebook)

[//]:# (!pinmapple -26.19298 lat 28.03825 long STREET ART #178 – Urban art in the district of Braamfontein, Johannesburg d3scr)

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