Go With The Biggest Health, If you are lost in thought

Good evening everyone

Welcome back again to my Splinterlands Battle Mage Secrets challenge. This is a regular event where Splinterlands players share their battle with certain theme. Same as yesterday post, today we still have Noxious Fumes as our main theme.

Have you ever been in situation where you have no idea what to do or what line up to make? I mean it is a situation which somehow you go blank and have no clue what kind of line up you want to send into battle field. This situation usually occurs if the rulesets is so damn messed up and nothing would go right. So it's like a situation where you only need to make less mistake than your opponent.

Ok let's check my battle below

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~Click The Image Above To See the Full Battle~

Ok this was the situation that I had that time, it's a messed up ruleset. What kind of ruleset did I talk about?


First of all, we have back to basic ruleset. This ruleset made everyone became useless for Noxious Fumes. There would not be any Immunity ability, there would not be any Cleanse ability. No heals or whatsoever. Everyone plainly died from poison.

Second was the Equal Opportunity. this one definitely a ruleset for Possibilus the Wise, because only summoner could give abilities here, and his trample was the best one for this kind of ruleset. The biggest problem was I did not have possibilus the wise in my selection, so like it or not I had to use Keyla Frendul because only her +1 armor I could expect could hold tramples from opponents' attacks.

In This situation, the most thing I could was to enter 4 big dudes... big units in term of having thick armors and high health... and expect they would die last, or my opponent died first before them.

this was how the battle progressed


  • The battle started with both of us buffing up our team and debuffing our opponents. It's Kelya frendul vs Pembrook Nymph. My opponent seemed to have same goal with me, having a more health point, die later or survive longer.
  • My opponent had 11 melee damage and 5 range damage. Combined all they became 16 damage per round. - My team had 7 melee damage, 1 range damage, and 5 magic damage. Combined all they became 13 damage per round.
  • Definitely my opponent hit harder however I see my health point overall higher than them. I believed I could get this battle from the start.


  • both of us lost a unit in the first round, so everything looked equal 5 vs 5 here.


  • same as the first round, both of us lost each one unit again. so this time we started the third round with 4 vs 4 condition.
  • However, in term of health point, definitely my team was a lot better than them.


  • Round 4 was the last one. They might be able to keep up the slugfest contest, however the poison killed them first due to having lower health point. Good Game

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From this battle, we could take 3 main points here

1. Water is Strong on Noxious Fumes.
Usually during a ruleset which you only have two option, an element and a dragon... People would go with dragon to bring in more dragon units which most people believe a bit stronger than other elements. However in this battle, both of us had strong believe in water element and none of us used dragon summoners.

Does a dragon summoner could bring a different? yes it does, but I think in hat battle, both of us do not have any legendary DRAGON SUMMONER, either Byzantine Kitty or Red Panda.

2. Magic Hurt more During Noxious Fumes.
Why Magic? Because it bypass opponent armors. In this battle, My team had more magic damage and that built the gap. Overall they damage were halt by my armor however my magic damage from Nerrisa and Oshannus kept bypassing their armor and made their units died faster.

3. Speed Speed and Speed again.
The last point we could take was a bit retoric... SPEEEEEED!!! My Djinn Oshannus who hit first every turns was actually the one who hurt them most. My Nerrisa might hit harder, however Oshannus took down units before they made their move.

In a battle that you lost track or had no clue what to do... You could not let go your SPEEED. In this Battle, by having more speed and more health point, my team managed to overpower my opponent by a huge gap. If you have other opinions, please feel free to leave any comments below. That's all for my battle mage secret post today, see you guys again on Splinterlands battlefields!!

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Thank you for visiting my BATTLE MAGE SECRETS Weekly Challenge, don't forget to leave your comments and feedback below. There are credits in this post for these people:

  • @splinterlands : for holding BATTLE MAGE SECRETS challenge events
  • carrieallen : for ultimate markdown tutorial
  • thepeakstudio : for wonderful divider art
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