Iziar and Drybone Raider Maxed Out! - End Of Season Recap, Buying Draws, Leveling Up, and Giveaway (Win Free GF Card)

I'm in vacation mode, so most of my regular posts aren't regular anymore, including this End-of-season post I'm doing a few days after the end of the season... As usual, I would like to compare the results with the previous report... The max league was the same as before, Champion III, but I earned a bit more GLINTs than the last time... As you can see from the screenshot, I got 78K and last time it was less than 75K... 3K more, great to see... :)

Screenshot from Splinterlands.com

It looks like that number is stabilizing around 75-78K, as two seasons before it was just 50K... But, that was the first or the second season after those huge changes...

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Screenshot from Splinterlands.com

As I had some GLINTs accumulated from before, I was able to repeat the same buying pattern as in the last EOS... 10 RARE draws, 10 EPICs, and 5 LEGENDARY draws! Let's go and see what did I get!

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RARE Draws - Screenshot from Splinterlands.com

Firstly, I have opened the RARE draws and as I have most of the cards maxed out, I didn't expect too much from these... As a matter of fact, I have mentioned that I will probably stop buying RARE draws because of that... Anyway, I bought 10, and I wasn't able to level up any of the cards that still need leveling...

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EPIC Draws - Screenshot from Splinterlands.com

Secondly, it was my turn to open some EPIC draws... I do need a lot of these to max them up, so I had some big expectations while I was opening chests... I got 4 Will-O-Wisp cards, and despite that, I wasn't able to level it up... Still need some more...

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Noa The Just Leveling up!!! - Screenshot from Splinterlands.com

The highlight of EPIC draws opening were 2 gold-foiled cards, Clockwork Aide and Noa The Just... Thanks to that, I was able to level up gold-foiled NOA to level 5!!!

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LEGENDARY Draws - Screenshot from Splinterlands.com

In the end, it was the turn to open those 5 LEGENDARY draws... Every legendary NFT has its values, so I can't decide which one was my favorite...

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Iziar Maxed out!!! - Screenshot from Splinterlands.com

But, thanks to 2 specific cards, I was able to max them out! Fantastic IZIAR got an additional +1 MAGIC attack and it has 3, and the DRYBON RAIDER got +1 on melee attack, and it became a very interesting card that has range and melee attack, plus DOUBLE attack!!!

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Drybone Raider Maxed out!!! - Screenshot from Splinterlands.com

For the end of the post, let's do a small giveaway...

Today's options to choose from (PICK BETWEEN THESE TWO GOLD-FOILED CARDS):

SplinterLands PickOne GF.jpg

The lucky winner will receive 1 Splinterlands card of his choice!!!

Rules for Splinterlands quest giveaway:

1. Comment on this post what card (only card!) you want from offered ones
2. Put your Splinterlands username in the comment (if it is not the same as here).
::. You can also tag your friends in comments to invite them to join the giveaway .::
3. Play fair and don't enter multiple comments with the same game username... All winners are checked before rewarding...

NO Upvote, NO Follow, and NO Reblog required!!! But it would be appreciated if it was done.

The winner will be chosen by a random comment picker (filoz.info/picker) and he/she will receive the chosen card in level 1.

The game will last at least 23-24 hours, or until this post has at least 5 valid comments (except bots, spam comments, etc.).

Results of Splinterlands giveaway No: 1230

Screenshot from 2024-08-03 11-39-41.png

The card goes to ------- >>> @bluehy20


For non-winners, I hope you have better luck in the next round of the #splinterlands giveaway!


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