Started Investing in EV ETF

Electric Vehicle is actually the future. We are seeing record number of electric vehicle on the road and it will increase in the future. Mostly the two wheelers segments is a hot cake now, with OLA the leading partner in two wheeler EV. Recently the OLA has launched it's IPO and in just under 2 weeks it has almost given 80% returns.


Along with that OLA is improving it's technology and thus they are bringing more and more new 2 wheeler in the EV segment. The recent launch was a bike with almost over 200 Kms range which might be a game changer for people. This is just about the 2 wheeler, but we have improvement in the four wheeler segment too.

Since it's a new technology, the prices are little high and thus it is not adopted by most of the people till now. But we have to wait for any breakthrough in the EV segment and thus it can revolutionize the whole segment. Like the Mid section in EV four wheeler is from Tata.

Now as I said it is just the starting that means the EV will be a future, so why not invest in the future. And that's why I have started investing in the EV ETF. The question is why ETF and not direct. The problem is that it will be tough for me to find all the EV stocks I.e. the stocks which are directly or indirectly related to electric vehicle. That's why ETF seems to be the best option for me.

As of now there are mainly 2 EV ETF with high volume and they are EVINDIA and GROWEV. These are the two etfs which I am investing. As of now I have added them with the ETF shop itself but soon I will start investing individually. As of today I am individually investing in Niftybees and Bankietf, but might add these too.

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