Pretty in Pink

Hi fellow Hiveians,

Today I wanted to share some photos of some really vibrant and wonderful pink flowers!


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Pretty in Pink

I'm not a huge fan of pink, unlike my man @dandays but I do appreciate them when I can see a good example of them! A few weeks ago, as is often the case, the little man and I go out on an adventure. There were all kinds of flowers out, prior to the full blooming of the leaves and shit that is what we've got right now weeks later. With this comes some wonderful flowers, but mostly whites. We did get to see some awesome pinks though, while on our adventures!


Pink in flowers is certainly something that is quite special. I do appreciate them when they are around because they are less frequent than the whites, reds and stuff so you can get a little bit of a different appreciation for them. The little man and I have gone on quite a number of adventures and along with that comes seeing all kinds of nice sights from flowers, plants and all that.

When I was younger, or well before kids rather, I saw the flowers that were out but I never really appreciated them. When you have kids though, you really get a much different appreciation for life around you! Everything is a wonder to them and it's truly something special, so I try to foster it as much as I can knowing he will eventually outgrow it.


We were going to a fishing derby one weekend and happened to drive by a neighborhood that had some really wonderful and large pink flowered trees! I was truly shocked, and the little man was a little annoyed because I was stopping every so often to snap a photo or two but in order to change his opinion a little bit and get him engaged in it, I actually had him take these bottom two photos! I didn't know how they would come out but he is definitely a good student, he took one that was almost better than some that I've taken!

The little man definitely enjoys using a camera which is nice. He doesn't take it to just point and shoot a photo of something random. He has watched me do it for quite a while so he crouches down, focuses and makes minor adjustments and gets a decent little shot. I was thoroughly impressed with the job!


I think the reason I love the spring flowers so much, especially these ones, is that they get so big and vibrant, but don't last very long! I think that these are magnolia trees, though I'm not 100% confident on that one. I do see this particular species of tree every so often when we are out driving in the spring which is really nice. I think it's so cool how freaking BIG those flower petals are hahaha. The trees also smell wonderful, which is my guilty pleasure for sure. I could stand next to some trees and smell the beauty they give off for quite a while, hell if I could prop my laptop next to one of these and work for a few hours, I totally would hahaha.


What about you, do you enjoy some nice pink flowers? Leave me a comment!

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-CmplXty. Real human written content, never AI. All pictures are mine unless otherwise stated

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