implementation of Play hard bot,count scores,capture settings,click sound and count down to Checkers

Checkers Github


Checkers is a board game created for two player which involve diagonal move of game pieces and compulsory catches by hopping over adversary pieces.

  • The Bot in Checkers allow user to play with AI controlled Bot

  • The Human is designed for two players on a single device.

  • In the menu, Tutorial talks about how many players can play the game and how the game can be played either with a Bot or an opponent. The help section isnt ignored in checkers,it teaches the player how to move his figures,the rules of the game,the game mode and how friendly the game is.

The game has been a little boring ever since ive been playing it and i will like some improvement on both the two features on the main menu BOT and HUMAN

After numerous long stretches of playing the game,i felt there ought to be some change as it get players exhausted easily. In this view, I will like to propose the following.

  • countdown to Human(Double player)
  • Capture setting
  • Hard Bots
  • Click sound
  • Count Scores

1. Count down in Human (Double player) : The purpose is to keep track of the total time each player takes for his or her own moves, and ensure that neither players overly delays the game.A count down time will be icluded so that when the count down ends before a player decides his move,his opponent automatically wins the game.This will be located in the board game for players to set before the game commence.When a player make his move the clock will start ticking for his opponent and his own will reset but the overall time taken for each players move throughout the game will still be displayed.e.g Player A wins the game and recorded 20 minutes for all his moves. Player B lost and recorded 18 minutes for all his moves.This will show how fast each player figure and influence his turn.However, credit will be given to the quick decider whether he loses or wins the game as the case may be.

2. Capture settings : The game is designed in a way that players can only capture by moving forward.looking at different ways checker is played,everyone has his or her own way of play and its very important to put this into consideration.The capture settings is a way of setting the piece to either capture forward only or capture both forward and backward.This will be located as one of the tabs in the game menu where player can set either of the options to play with.

3. Hard bot : Playing with the bot is what player often do when there is no opponent and what checkers offers in the contest is exclusively basic for players to enjoy.The Bot has never defeated me for once as there is only one level which is far too simple.The hard bot will be in three levels of which the difficulty will increase as the level progress eg Hard bot 1, Hard bot 2 . The hard bots will be on the landing page where we have choose your opponent(Human and Bot).

4. click sound: This allows the game to stay lively by producing a clicK sound KER to murder the silence experienced in the game.The implementation will be in the menu page where player can toggle on and off the click sound.

5. Count scores: when two players play against each other, scores will be counted as they finish each game. e. g 1-0 , 1-1, 2-1, 3-1, 10-20, etcetera.This scores will be saved with the Name recorded by the players. Once the game is exit, it can be continued by tapping the saved name.However, a new game can be played by other players without interference as each game played with different players has its name. Tapping on each name will continue from the score line.

Mock ups/Example

image of the application

dss 1.png

pictorial representation of countdown time

dss 123.png

pictorial representation of the capture settings and click sound

dss 12345.png

images of some of the games played with BOT that
prompted the proposal of HARD BOT

Bot defeat.png

Implementation of hard bots

dss 1234.png

image showing the score count and stored names

dss 12.png


  • The count down will be of great benefit. It will help to hasten players decision to make his moves on time.
  • The delay encountered from opponent will become expidited.
  • Gives player with the fastest move a motivation even though he lost to his opponent.
  • Hard bot introduction will allow players to compete on different level.

  • It will make checkers more interesting and the boredom encountered from defeating the initial bot will be terminated.

  • There will also be an improvement in the way of play because players will be able to learn new moves from the hard bots and it will increase the time spent playing checkers.

  • capturing settings is also an important feature that will allow players to set which ever way of playing checkers interestet them. Playing what interests a player will make him get more interested in the game and it won't at any point make him feel bored while playing the game.

  • The click sound will add live to the game.normally checker makes sound when played manually.the way players move their piece especially when they want to capture their opponents piece makes it more interesting.the sound made when the piece hits the board will make it more fun if implemented on checkers.

  • The score count will be a very good plus to checkers. Players will find it easy to know how many times they've played and who got the highest victory.

  • Counting mistakes will not be made and there will be no argument on scores. It will also keep record of all the playing times players have had together.competing with other players(friend around) will be made easy with the score count implementation.

Putting all these features in place will make checkers more unique and some features that has never been implemented in other checkers like setting countdown by player and score count will add to its download and serve users to the brim. Thanks.

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