Men Need To 'Leave' Too!!!

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Men deserve bucketloads of paternity leave as well! Maternity leave has always been something that women enjoy, it starts during the late months of their pregnancy and extends for months after delivery. Of course, they deserve every second of it considering everything they have to go through with childbirth and all. And then, I know that this is also the period when the Omugwo sets in, and either the mother or the mother-in-law of the nursing mother will come to help out. So, in all ramifications, she’s not supposed to be alone or doing major chores. All she has to do is rest and feed the baby.

When you think about it, it’s all good aii? Because this is a good bonding time for mother and child, considering the amount of time they’ll get to spend together. And then, the man being around during such moments will be greatly beneficial for them.


I know some companies give paternity leave to men who just had kids. However, it’s not usually long enough, just two weeks from the day the baby is born. What can be done within two weeks? We all know just how fast these days run and how within the blink of an eye, it’s all in the past. Those first few months are the best time to spend with the baby.

But then, sadly enough, the companies that give the men two weeks of paternity leave are the good ones because there are companies that won’t even give their men days off. A man whose wife just gave birth would still be going to work as if nothing happened, that is how some private companies are structured. Because I know something like that can never happen in a government institution. What then do you expect? Some companies don’t even give women maternity leave, they simply fire them once they have their baby simply because they’ll be more preoccupied with baby doings.


When it comes to companies, many of them will only do what is best for the companies, and not for the employees. It’s sad and unfair, but that’s the harsh reality of life. I’ve heard stories of women going on to have kids and thinking they have a job to come back to. But they’re shocked when they return from maternity leave and realize that their job has been given to someone else.

Are these the kind of companies that want to give men paternity leave? On top of pregnancy wae no be him carry? Besides the emotional aspect of it, it will also help if the man is given at least three months off as well. This is because, during this period, there will be a lot to do. So much so that even the mother or mother-in-law may not be able to do it all on her own. It will be good to have a man in the house, considering the large number of guests that will be coming over to see the baby and the mother.

So, even though it’s not something that is predominant in our society, I would like for it to be. At least, men should take three months off work when their wives put to bed so they can help around the house. Unless of course, he doesn’t want to help out and just wants to watch football and place his feet on the center table. Other than that, this would be a good initiative.


Thank you for reading. Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments below, I would love to know what you’re thinking. Till we meet in the next post.

This post is inspired by the third topic of this week which is Paternity Leave. Feel free to try it out.

N.B: All images used in this post are mine. The thumbnail was designed using Canva.

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