The Lessons and Opportunities of Six Years in Splinterlands

Well, a lot has changed in the last few years but consider that 6 years is a lot and it is also a long time, there are ups and downs and we have to keep moving ahead in life with this, this is life, we should not give up and should keep trying continuously and even if we grow at a slow pace, we should keep moving forward and perhaps this is the lesson we have learnt from this game, a lot has changed in these 6 years and this game keeps bringing something new and we are all connected to it and we should consider ourselves lucky because we have been connected with it since its initial days and the people who have been here since the initial days have seen a lot and I know the potential of the game they are still there and enjoy this game to the fullest.



A lot of changes have come in this game since I joined it. It is constantly moving forward, even though the value of acid is very low right now, but believe me this is a very good opportunity to enter the scheme if you have not started playing the game yet. You can join the game from the given link My Splinterlands referral and start earning from today itself. Yes, the initial days will be a bit difficult because you will have to learn a lot to understand this game and to play and there is a constant need for something or the other, so you will also have to stay up to date so that you remain in this game. A lot of changes keep coming and a lot of news also keeps coming, for information about all this, you can follow the Splinterlands Discord channel and the official account of Splinterlands where you get all the information. Believe me, this game is exciting if you understand this once then you will enjoy playing it a lot. There is no need for you to spend much time here, even without spending time here, there are many ways which you can do it. I consider myself very fortunate that I got a chance to join this game and I got the good fortune to run from here.

I am sure that I am not the only one, I am fortunate enough to see that there are many people who are earning very good money from here and some people are even using this platform to handle their real-life expenses and this is a perfect thing. There are many opportunities here that you can earn from here because the concept itself is play to earn. So the easiest and simplest way is to play the game and keep it running, you will have to invest if you want to increase your earnings, for which you will have to take care of a few things, one is that you will have to increase your SPS stat and you will have to rent or buy some good cards, which will have a little effect on your earnings and you will get the good fortune to go to the top list and hopefully you will achieve greater heights and get good rewards.


Yes, a lot has changed in the gaming reward system. It seemed a little strange in the initial days because we were used to the old record system, but now everyone has got used to it. If your sps stake is good, then your earnings also increase. According to that, I regret that I could not invest much in SPS from the beginning, but now I try to invest here continuously and I do not keep a vow that I increase SPS a little once at the end of the season, due to which my income increases a little bit every season and this is a very good thing. Now only a few days are left before this season ends, this time I can post my season-end report and share with all of you how much I earned in the season and what I did, you will know everything from my report.

But to be honest, in the initial days I was not too fond of this game because I did not know how to play this game, this is the truth, but as I started understanding this game, my interest in it started increasing and gradually I started enjoying it too. If you are not into this game and have not started yet, then I will say only one thing you keep practising. This is the only way by which you can understand this game well and be successful in this game. But believe me, when you win the battle, then there is a lot of happiness, but if you want to experience this game, then you will have to work a little hard for it, you will have to learn a little about the game, about the rule set and the abilities of the cards and small things which will help you a lot in this. I hope that next year there will be more people here and by then this game will have reached many more heights. I don't know why I think that 2025 will prove to be very good for Hive and crypto, let's see what happens.


Call this an Action:

If you are not playing the Splinterlands and Golem Overlord games then feel free to join my referral 😁

My splinterlands referral
My Golem Overlord referral
My HoloZing Referral
My kryptogamers Referral


see you in the next post. Keep learning and keep exploring...

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Translated via Google Translator, The content is original.

Thanks a lot for staying till the end 😃🙏, Let me know what you think.

Never forget one thing you should be grateful for because someone has a dream of what you have. So learn to be grateful. Be Thankful.🙏😀

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