Coping with Loss: The Emotional Impact of Saying Goodbye to Loved Ones

So all the people in our lives are important but some people love and care a lot and when those people leave our lives, we feel unfortunate. Everyone feels sad when they leave, no matter who it is. If you have kept a pet in your house and have been with them for many years, you also develop a bond with them and face a lot of pain when they leave. I have seen many families who used to keep some pets earlier but whoever left them, they do not keep any unnecessary pets because they get very attached to them and do not want to face this pain again and again, so they do not keep any other pets. Manyy people consider them more than their family members.


Well, I have lost many relatives till now, this happened when I was in my college days, probably it was around 2012 and 15. I live in a joint family consisting of my parents, my grandmother and my siblings. This is a common occurrence in India. Yes, it happens in many other places too, but in other countries, people prefer to live alone. Yes, this trend has also been started, but many families still live in a joint family, which is a great thing. My grandmother had the problem of asthma and she would often get asthma during the winter season. We took her to a doctor and he gave us some medicines whenever she had a problem breathing, she was advised to buy a pump, which she used to carry with her all the time, because sometimes this used to happen to her even while walking.

Apart from this, she did not have any disease. She was about 70 years old and my grandfather left us when I was young. Believe me, I do not have many memories of him but I used to spend a lot of time with my grandmother and she was very ill. For a few months, I did not realize that my grandmother was no longer with us. But gradually one gets used to it and sometimes, whenever there was a festival, I used to miss her a lot and I used to cry as well. I used to feel awkward crying in front of others but I used to go alone quietly and do this. Well, everyone teaches us something or the other in our life and it depends on us whether we can learn something from them or not but our family members teach us a lot and we develop a different kind of bonding with them and that is why they are called family.



My grandmother used to trust me a lot. Whenever she needed to get any of her things, she used to call me and give me money because she was sure that I would return all her money safely. Apart from that, she used to give money to my brothers, but they never returned it. I realized this in a few days. Maybe that is why she used to give money to me. My grandmother has taught me the art of saving money. I believe that she was very good at it. Whenever I used to ask for something, if my grandmother came to know about it, she used to slowly save money for it. On my birthday, there used to be some special function, then she used to give me money or sometimes she used to quietly bring that stuff by going with my father and mother. His departure from my life means a lot to me, Kashyap talks about it to me, yes everyone has to go one day or the other, but still, it feels wrong, it happens with the family, it happens with everyone who does not like this, those with whom we are close and with whom we have spent a lot of time, we saddened a lot when they leave.

See, in our lifetime we lose many people and we have no idea that when we will lose which member and how all this is uncertain. Perhaps it is the history of life that we will never know about. Neither can we see the future nor can we make any changes in it. If every day goes well for us, we should thank God or whatever supreme power there is and be grateful. Yes, if we lose someone close to us, then there is a lot of pain, but the truth is that all this can happen in our hands. We cannot do anything. We can only watch as a helper. This is life. We should not stop at one place by expressing regret. We should keep moving forward and keep things moving because if you stop, then you remain stuck. Many people get shocked by the departure of their loved ones and they become very sad. This is also a very serious problem. I believe that whoever comes here has to go and this is certain and perhaps this is the only truth, but still, people get attached to too many things. We do this and imagine staying here but it is possible that one day or the other everybody has to go, so you should be less attached to materialistic things and love your people but don't be too sad when they leave because this is the ultimate truth.

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see you in the next post. Keep learning and keep exploring...

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