Looking out...at the lookout

There wasn't much else to do up there and when at a lookout looking out seems like the right thing to do so I looked out and enjoyed the view.

It was a welcome respite from the long walk in the heat of the day, it was lovely and cool inside the stone structure, and it was quiet; just the sound of the breeze through the tall summer grasses and in the trees surrounding us, some birds and...the glugging sound of my guy drinking from his water flask after I'd taken my turn. Water flask glugging isn't as nice a sound as the breeze and the birds but the hike up had been very thirsty work so glugging was required.

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My guy took this image

The view was not the most spectacular I've seen but it certainly was unique, a volcano crater with a lake that is 252 feet deep in the middle.

It is said to have last erupted about 6,000 years ago but is dormant now although, standing there, I couldn't help shake the feeling it was about to blow up and spout lava all over the place which would certainly have ruined the day. It did not do that fortunately (the day was saved) and we enjoyed sitting up on the hill looking out over the crater lake while we ate our picnic lunch I'd carried up. When I say I carried up I really mean my guy carried up. 🙃

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I took this image

We spent an hour there and were fortunate to have it to ourselves, but less fortunate that my leg muscles put on a very convincing protest when it was time to go.

It seems strenuous walking followed by an hour of sitting down isn't a good combination when strenuous walking is subsequently required. My man told me to stretch a little, but what does he know? (As it turns out he was right.) I survived the ordeal however, and will listen to him next time. Maybe.

- This is what I'm listening to -

Becca 💗

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