Charcoal Practice

Hello helloooooo
I've been in a drawing mood this independence day. It's independence day here and a rare day off for me!
I wanted to do digital art on my tablet today, honestly, but since I'm such a dummy that lost my palm rejection glove, I can't even finish a single digi art without getting mad... So here's me going back to traditional art for the week ^^

Duration: 3.5 hours
Materials: Black amd white charcoal pencils

So I think my hands have gotten a bit rusty since the last time I did trad is already gone from my memory.
For this, I had to do my usual pencil sketch

And quite honestly, it's been a while since I've last lifted a pencil to sketch 🤣 So I think it's good for me to have traditional art days.
As you can see here, I weirdly started the charcoal layer on such a random spot and worked my way around.

Then after a good first layer, I had to smudge (my least favourite thing about charcoal). I'm considering getting a make up brush and maybe powdered charcoal just for this, actually but it would be such a waste to buy when I only wanted to draw something because I've been in a creative mood.

Then I've been working up a bit more detail here and I started making use of the white charcoal a little. I actually use the white charcoal to blend and to give it a bit of a smoother finish

As you can see here, it has a smoother look, but I usually will add in one more layer of black charcoal to give it more depth. But with that blended layer, the last charcoal layer will actually look much smoother. Then of course, the tedious hair in traditional art that I don't find to be as tedious in digital art 🥲
All that was left was hair details and highlights and 3.5 hours later, I concluded that I was done. I feel like doing something else would just ruin it 🥲 And I'm quite happy with how it came out ^^ not as satisfying as when I do pen art.... So I think I'll do that next!

Anyway, this is all from me for today! I hope to be a lot more active in the next few weeks, seeing as mining season has finally concluded for me ☺️ I am a free man once again, as I celebrate independence day!

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