Heal Heal and Heal bring the Healer Shaman

Black Classic The Dark Places Youtube Thumbnail (1).png

Heyyy yooooo
what's up Splinter Player around the world how are you doing? I want to share my battle using one of own scholar account that played in Diamond League Format.And this time, i want to share that in Silenced Summoner ruleset battle if summoner cannot give any advantages we still need to bring strategy system from our monster line up.



Okay since you guys know that the ruleset is Silenced Summoner lets knowing this ruleset a little bit deeper.This ruleset description is

Summoners do not give any buffs/debuffs or grant/use abilities.
Use your lowest cost and highest level summoner within this ruleset.

So basically we still can using the summoner but cannot activated the abilities that the summoner had. And sometimes it not afflicted in the battle. But,sometimes it can be very crutial to using the summoner ability.


Strategy Phase

In this battle i am using healing looping system to my frontline tanker and also i am depending on combination of magic type attack and melee type attack to attacking opponent line up.

For attacker i am using Bramble Pixie this monster can attacking even though in second position with reach ability. So this monster is sneaky enough to hidden herself and give damage to opponent frontliner. Also this monster having heal ability. So, if this monster going to frontline this monster can also be good for frontline tanker also. And for the melee damage this monster having huge damage. But yeah this monster cost too much with 7 mana cost. Hopefully that opponent did not bringing any forcefield monster ability and placed in frontline.

For the best support and the main carry in this battle i am bringing Oshuur Constantia as my support. This monster is really supporting my line up with heal ability and also having Reflection Shield that can immune to blast or magic reflect ability. And dont forget this monster can resurrect friendly line up with Resurrect ability. So, it will really helpfull to my line up to holding much longer.

And another support monster i am using Uloth Dhampir not only as support monster this monster really beast that can attack too and having chance to stun opponent monster with stun ability. And triage ability that can heal monster in the backline. Also this monster can be a good as backline tanker too with 10 health. Dont forget that this monster having 5 range damage too that can gives huge amount damage to opponent line up.

And for tanker i am depending on this monster that having taunt. Also this monster having forcefield ability so if any opponent monster that having 5 damage or more will compressed just to be 1 damage only. So, this monster can hold much longer into battlefield. And this monster also having slow ability that can reduce opponent speed by 1.



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This time i am encountered with player that from Team Possible Hackers. I know this guild. I met them so many times. And i know this player is really strong or maybe we are almost same strong. Or i think he is better than me.

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And in this battle as you can see the picture above,having 3 ruleset. The first ruleset is Silenced Summoner that means all summoner will not giving any abilities. But we still can used it. The second ruleset is Heavy Hitters that means all monster will have knockout ability that can gives double damage to monster that got stuneed. And the last but not least is Equalizer that means all monster will having same health to the highest health monster in battlefield. Manacap that can be used in this battle is 47 which is pretty average. And Element that can only be used in this battle is just Earth and Dragon element. So many limited option here.

My Line Up

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  • Quix The Devious as Summoner
  • Void Dragon as Frontline Tanker
  • Bramble Pixie as Second Tanker and Attacker
  • Oshuur Constantia as Support
  • Goblin Psychic as Support
  • Uloth Dhampir as Support Attacker
  • Mycelic Slipspawn as Taunt Tanker

Opponent Line Up

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  • Quix The Devious as Summoner
  • Xenith Monk as Frontline Tanker
  • Carnage Titan as Attacker
  • Queen of Mycelia as Support
  • Goblin Psychic as Support
  • Uloth Dhampir as Support Attacker
  • Mycelic Slipspawn as Taunt Tanker

Lookin into opponent line up we both almost have simillar thought and strategy. But what make different is the second place monster. Opponent seems using monster that have double strike ability to attacking twice. And i am depending on flying ability so the have chance missing attacking my frontline tanker. And i am using Void Dragon that having phase ability so all opponent monster will having chance to missing attacking my Void Dragon in this battle. But depending on RNG like that is too risky. Thats why i am bringing many healing monster and bring Bramble Pixie that having heal ability as my second backup tanker.

So the summary of this battle is yeah opponent Carnage Titan have missing attacking my Void Dragon once or twice and with that my team having chance to defeat opponent first. Especially when my Bramble Pixie hit opponent Xenith Monk. That make opponent Xenith Monk hardly to follow my Bramble Pixie damage. And also i am lucky in this battle because my Uloth Dhampir stunned opponent Mycelic Slipspawn first and also my Goblin Psychic affliction opponent Mycelic Slipspawn first. Thats why i can win. And maybe opponent bringing Queen Mycelia that seems useless in this battle. If only opponent using Doctor Blight maybe i am the lost one.

If you want to look it in video you can watch in there and dont forget to subscribe like and share the video

or if this video cannot be played you can watch in game battle in link bellow

Heal Heal and Heal bring the Healer Shaman



After experiencing this battle bringing monster that having heal abilities is really helpfull to make our monster can holding much longer and it will make opponent monster losing health first and die first. But, sometimes heal abilities is really fragile cause many overpowered suppport monster having affliction ability that can make monster that inflicted with affliction cannot be healed anymore. And it will make our strategy got beaten up. But thankfully in this battle i am bringing Void Dragon that can dodge any magic attack especially from opponent Queen Mycelia and Goblin Psychic that having 1 speed.


In the end I am very thankfull for the reader that read my content hope you all enjoying this content, don't forget to upvote and leave comments. If you are interested in starting this game and don't have an account yet, you can use my referrals:

Thank you too for @arcange and all splinterlands curator that support by voting almost my content and hopefully support this one too
The wonderful divider by @kyo-gaming
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All images taken from Splinterlands website

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