Ruleset Focus

In this week's Battle Mage Secrets, we were tasked to showcase the often overlooked ruleset known as HEAVY HITTERS. When the HEAVY HITTERS ruleset is governing the battle, all units gain the KNOCK OUT ability, allowing them to deal double damage to STUNNED enemies. To fully leverage this ruleset, it is recommended to include a unit with the STUN ability in your lineup to trigger the effect and maximize damage! 👊

Abilities Focus

The abilities KNOCK OUT and STUN work together seamlessly.
When a Monster with the STUN ability attack their target, there is a chance to STUN them, causing them to skip their next turn. Meanwhile, the KNOCK OUT ability enables double damage against a STUNNED enemy, maximizing the attack's impact 😵

According to Splintercards, there are 53 Monster cards that possess the coveted STUN ability!

With so many options available, there is every reason to take full advantage of these Monsters whenever the HEAVY HITTERS ruleset is in play! Get ready to unleash their power!

The Battle

While fulfilling my responsibilities in the Splinterlands scholarship account I have with Balthazar, bltzr-wizard-729, I was able to engage in a battle that involves the HEAVY HITTERS ruleset. To get right into the action, the battle link can be found here. Otherwise, do read on as I go into more detail regarding the lineup and fight.

Let's begin by examining the rulesets implemented in this battle. Firstly, we have the primary focus of this challenge, the HEAVY HITTERS ruleset, which we discussed earlier. Next, the Armored Up ruleset grants +2 Armor to all units at the start of the battle. Lastly, the Close Range ruleset allows all Ranged attacks to be used in the first position. The battle also enforces an 18-mana restriction and limits the use of Splinters to only Fire, Death, and Life.

Summoner, Obsidian

In this Guild Brawl battle, I am competing in the Gold Foil only fray. I chose the Earth Splinter because my collection of Gold Foil units in the Water and Dragon Splinters isn't strong enough for this contest. By selecting Obsidian from the Earth Splinter, I can take advantage of the +1 Magic buff for the Magic Monsters in my lineup. This buff is particularly valuable in the Armored Up ruleset, where all units receive a +2 Armor buff, since Magic attacks can bypass Armor stats easily! ✌️

First Position, Hill Grant

In this battle governed by the HEAVY HITTERS ruleset, it is essential to include a Monster with the STUN ability in your lineup to fully exploit the KNOCK OUT ability granted to all units. Hill Grant is a great choice with the STUN ability and, at only 3 mana, can reliably serve as a tank for my lineup. It boasts respectable stats with 2 Melee attack, 3 Speed, and a generous 8 Health that could definitely sustain a few extra hit before going down in the battle! 😤

Second Position, Fungus Fiend

After selecting the rest of my lineup and fully utilizing the mana allocation for this battle, I chose the Fungus Fiend, a Monster with 0 mana cost. In this contest, where Legendary Monsters are capped at Level 3, the Fungus Fiend lacks the additional Slow ability and can only serve as a fodder unit, taking an extra hit or two for the team. Positioning it in the second placing of the lineup to act as the secondary tanker after the Hill Grant falls! 😅

Third Position, Katrelba Gobson

What is a Guild Brawl without a Gladiator Monster? I was fortunate to obtain a Gold Foil Katrelba Gobson from a Gladius Case, allowing me to select it for this contest. Katrelba Gobson is a powerful Monster with the Sneak and Double Strike abilities, capable of quickly taking out the enemy's weaker backline. Additionally, each elimination powers up Katrelba Gobson further through the Bloodlust ability! 💪

Last Position, Regal Peryton

The Regal Peryton has proven to be a versatile and dependable card within the Earth Splinter, making it a staple choice in my lineup throughout my journey in various leagues. Its consistent performance and adaptability have made it a top pick for me. In the context of this battle, I strategically placed the Regal Peryton in the first position. At 5 mana cost, it is well-justified by its impressive attributes, including higher Health and Speed compared to the other Monsters in my lineup! 😁

The Analysis

In this battle, I had the perfect opportunity to fully demonstrate the power of the HEAVY HITTERS ruleset. However, seizing this opportunity required a stroke of luck to utilize the ruleset's potential effectively. As previously mentioned, the HEAVY HITTERS ruleset grants all Monsters the KNOCK OUT ability, which is activated by first STUNNING the target Monster.

Fortunately, luck was on my side in this battle as Hill Grunt successfully STUNNED the enemy with its initial attack. This allowed the subsequent Monsters in my lineup to inflict double the normal damage on the STUNNED target. With these amplified damages, the battle quickly came to an end, overwhelming the opponent with their devastating impact 😅

Do you guys have any better recommendations for setting up the team in this particular ruleset? Do share them with me in the below comments 😜

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All banners, dividers card and battle images used in this article are open source and obtained from the Splinterlands team or made by flauwy. Do check out his link for other amazing designs.

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