The Virtual Knitgroup

Hello fellow needleworkers, I have a surprise for you all. I’m not sure if some of you already know this but I’ve known this for a while and I just can’t keep it to myself. You know how we share our works on hive and all? There’s this virtual knit group created by @artemisnorth on go brunch where all knitters or crafters can actually go hang out.

Maybe you would want a friend to see you whiles you’re working on a project? Than this place is for you. Sometimes the videos and write ups are not enough to explain what you worked on and your friend may seriously want to learn from you, so that’s where this virtual knit group comes to action.
I have a number of reasons why I absolutely love the virtual knit group but the number one reason is that, signing up is just straightforward.

Unlike other platforms where you will need to verify and do this and that, this is really simple. You just register with your name choose your image and there! you are already in the lobby.
You might be wondering, “oh there’s even a lobby?” Yes there is. I’m going to try my best to share certain things in the knit group but before I forget, this brilliant idea is a project owned by @artemisnorth. The very first time I joined the knit group, I fell in love because it’s really amazing. I can’t wait to get to meet really amazing fellow needleworkers and watch how they go about their needleworks.

So when you sign up, you enter the lobby. There are about 7 rooms you can join: the classroom, one on one instruction room, media room(my favorite), whisper space, knit group room itself and an office. I’m not so familiar with the place, I’m still trying to find my way about so forgive me if I can’t answer some questions but I believe you’ll understand all that I’m saying when you go there yourself.
With that being said let me show you how some rooms look like.

Leet’s start with my favorite room; the media room. You can watch videos from YouTube, podcasts and I think even music. I love the media room because it will just help to show a video of something you’re talking about.

Then we have the classroom, where lessons can be held. So in the screenshot below, you see two seats for two teachers and the rests for students. The circles you see are the seats to be occupied by people.

There’s also the one on one instruction room. Just as it goes by its name, if there’s someone you want to teach one on one, that room is for you.

There are 4 more rooms but I won’t talk about them. It would be more fun if you checked it out yourself.

The link to the knitgroup is gobrunch. This should take you straight to the knitgroup but in case you want read about it, check it out here. The latter link will even guide you on how to register the knit group.

I’m so excited about this group and I can’t to finally get to see all of us in our elements. This is one of the best projects I’ve ever seen. Thank you so much @artemisnorth for this wonderful space.

All Images are screenshots from the virtual knitgroup

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