How to be Financially Free Over the Holidays

Hi! It's Ruth All things business, mindset, coaching, and strategy. Hi. It's Ruth and today I'm talking about being financially free. So, what does financial freedom mean to you? Is it a particular figure? Often we have a figure in our minds and that figure represents something. So, think about what your figure is and what does that represent. What does that mean to you? Write that figure down. Get really clear on exactly what it means. Is that your income level or your revenue goal, if you're a business. Often it's our income goal. Write it down. Make sure that you understand exactly what that figure represents. Does it mean that you'll pay your mortgage off? Does it mean that you can travel more? What does it mean? Because our figure is different for an actual freedom means different things to all of us. So, get your figure written down and get really clear on what that will mean to you. And we visit it. So, first of all having the figure. When you've got the figure, identify what you need to do to earn that amount of money. If you've got a business, how many clients is that? And then start to think how feasible that is. If it's amount of an amount of clients, what would you need to do to get those clients? Work backwards. Start with the end in mind and work backwards. How many clients? What where do those clients come from? What are you doing to get those clients to give you that figure? So, financial freedom is about planning. It's about identifying your figure and really understanding what that means to you and what that represents for you, and what choices that gives you. And then it's about breaking it down and understanding where that money's going to come from. Is it about creating additional income streams, memberships, courses, group programs? Is it about doing what you're doing but doing it on a bigger scale? Get clear. When you're clear, you can start working towards it. So, however much it's called freedom, it all comes from that same place of planning and understanding exactly what success is going to look like, so you can reverse engineer and you can start doing the things today that will give you that financial freedom in the future.

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