9-11 His-tory


On this day of history, two passenger jet planes brought down 3 buildings, one of which was never hit by a plane nor was in the direct line of path to be hit by a falling tower (unless one fell to the side). Each building, ”magically” denying the laws of physics, fell straight down into its own footprint. Huh?

It’s like hacking down a tree? Do trees fall straight down into their own footprint just by hacking at one side?

Oh, that’s right! I’m missing the jet fuel. Silly me. Would you look at that... trees never touched by the axe or the jet fuel are falling straight down into their own footprint. Wow. Physics is fun.

These buildings, by the way, are the only three in the history of the planet that defied the laws of physics.

On this day in history, one of the most heavily guarded buildings on the planet, The Pentagon, which has something like 200! plus cameras watching the area, was hit by a ”plane” that first did a ariel maneuver that most of the best pilots in the world could never, ever do, let alone an amateur.

Years later, one video - that’s right! ONE out of 200! plus video cameras recording on that day, one video, not from the building itself, but from the booth that is the entryway onto the property - was released to the public. This ”plane” didn’t match the plane that "reportedly" hit the Pentagon.

But, hell-fucking-yeah, we live in a magical fairy-land where we can make up anything we want others to believe.

After that fateful day in history, those who were at ground zero have been dying off because of the stuff in the air that they inhaled that day; those who were at ground zero and heard the multiple explosion sounding off like a Forth-of-July firecracker, not only on ground level and above but, also, within the basement levels before the towers fell straight down into their own footprints, have been largely ignored by the US government (and/or killed by the US Government) and ignore, ridicule, demonized by the people that follow unquestioningly, willingly, fearfully, the "official" story.

After that fateful day in history, the American people were caged in by the Patriot Act, which was created to "Fight Terrorism," but, instead, only create more death and destruction in the Land of the "Free," the Home of the "Brave," bla, bla, bla, - you know the rest.

Many people in the east who had nothing to do with this terrible act of violence also died when the US invaded their country.

I'm feeling sick!!!


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