69 MORE Facts about 69



  1. Factorial: The factorial of 69 (69!) is a very large number: 1.711224524281412e+98.
  2. Sum of Digits: The sum of the digits of 69 is 15 (6 + 9).
  3. Inverse: The multiplicative inverse of 69 is approximately 0.0145.
  4. Permutation: There are 69 distinct permutations of the string "69".
  5. Divisors: The divisors of 69 are 1, 3, 23, and 69.
  6. Magic Square: The magic constant of a 4x4 magic square containing 69 is 1380.
  7. Polygon: A 69-sided polygon is called an enneacontakaiagon.
  8. Palindrome: 69 reversed is 96, which is another valid number.
  9. Base 5: In base 5, the number 69 is written as 234.
  10. Base 7: In base 7, the number 69 is written as 120.


  1. Molecular Mass: The molecular mass of Thulium (Tm) is 168.93421 u.
  2. Periodic Table: Thulium (Tm), with atomic number 69, is a lanthanide.
  3. Carbon Atoms: A common isotope of carbon (C-13) has an atomic mass of approximately 13.003355 u; dividing 69 by 13 gives approximately 5.31, which is close to the atomic number of boron (B).
  4. Enzyme Classification: In the Enzyme Commission numbering system, is an enzyme involved in carbohydrate metabolism.
  5. Radioactive Isotope: Thulium-169 is a radioactive isotope used in medical imaging.


  1. Battle of Bedriacum: The Battle of Bedriacum occurred in 69 AD, deciding the Roman emperor's fate.
  2. Vietnam War: 1969 was a significant year in the Vietnam War, marked by the My Lai Massacre revelation.
  3. Woodstock: The Woodstock music festival in 1969 symbolized the height of the counterculture movement.
  4. Apollo 11: The Apollo 11 mission in 1969 was the first manned moon landing.
  5. Stonewall Riots: The Stonewall Riots in 1969 were a pivotal event in the LGBTQ+ rights movement.


  1. Shakespeare: In the First Folio of Shakespeare's works, page 69 in "A Midsummer Night's Dream" contains the famous line, "Lord, what fools these mortals be!"
  2. Bible: Psalm 69 is a plea for help from God in the Bible.
  3. Books: "Catch-69" is a humorous twist on the novel "Catch-22" in some parodies.
  4. Novel References: In the novel "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy," the answer to the ultimate question of life, the universe, and everything is 42, but the question itself is humorously hinted to involve the number 69.
  5. Page Numbers: Page 69 of many novels is often cited in "Page 69 tests" to judge the quality of a book.


  1. Beethoven: Beethoven's Opus 69 is his "Cello Sonata No. 3 in A major".
  2. R.E.M.: The band R.E.M. has a song titled "69".
  3. Jazz: The jazz standard "Route 66" is sometimes humorously changed to "Route 69" in parodies.
  4. Albums: Some music albums have a 69-minute duration.
  5. Musical Notes: The 69th key on a standard piano keyboard is E6.

Pop Culture

  1. Internet Slang: 69 is frequently used in online communities and social media for humor.
  2. Emoji: The combination of numbers "6" and "9" is sometimes used creatively with emojis for playful or suggestive meanings.
  3. Video Games: The number 69 appears as Easter eggs in various video games.
  4. Comic Books: Issue 69 of several comic book series often contains special or significant storylines.
  5. TV Shows: Episode 69 of long-running TV shows often has special significance.

Movies and Television

  1. "The Big Lebowski": The number 69 is referenced in the film.
  2. "Breaking Bad": In "Breaking Bad," the number 69 appears in various contexts.
  3. "Seinfeld": The number 69 is used humorously in an episode of "Seinfeld".
  4. "Friends": In "Friends," the number 69 is referenced in jokes.
  5. "The Office": The number 69 is mentioned in "The Office" for comedic effect.


  1. Stellar Designation: Star HD 69 is a star in the constellation Pisces.
  2. Comet: Comet 69P/Taylor is a periodic comet.
  3. Asteroid: Asteroid 69 Hesperia was discovered by G. Schiaparelli in 1861.
  4. Space Missions: The Soviet Luna 15 mission in 1969 aimed to return lunar soil to Earth.


  1. Computer Science: 69 is a commonly used buffer size in certain programming exercises.
  2. Digital Encoding: The number 69 appears in various digital encoding schemes.
  3. Hex Colors: In HTML color codes, #696969 is a shade of gray.
  4. IP Addresses: is part of a range of IP addresses used for internet routing.
  5. Processor Speeds: The 69 MHz speed was common in early computing hardware.


  1. NBA: Dennis Rodman famously wore the number 69 during his time with the Dallas Mavericks, though he had to switch to a different number.
  2. NHL: Mel Angelstad wore the number 69 during his time in the NHL.
  3. Olympics: The 1969 European Athletics Championships were notable for several record-breaking performances.
  4. Cricket: In cricket, scoring 69 runs is considered a milestone.
  5. Tennis: Winning a set 6-9 is uncommon but can happen in extended matches.


  1. Flight Numbers: Flight 69 is used by several airlines for various routes.
  2. Bus Routes: Bus route 69 is a common designation in many cities.
  3. Train Lines: Train line 69 serves as a key route in certain regions.
  4. Automobile Models: Certain car models from 1969 are highly valued as vintage cars.
  5. Bike Races: The number 69 is used in competitive cycling events.


  1. Graffiti: The number 69 is a popular motif in street art and graffiti.
  2. Exhibitions: Art exhibitions sometimes feature the number 69 in their themes.
  3. Photography: The number 69 appears in many iconic photographs.


  1. Dungeons & Dragons: Rolling a 69 on a d100 in certain homebrew rules has special significance.
  2. Board Games: The number 69 appears as a key spot in some board games.
  3. Arcade Scores: High scores in arcade games sometimes prominently feature the number 69.

Angles and Trigonometry

  1. Radians: 69 degrees is approximately 1.204 radians.
  2. Sine: The sine of 69 degrees is approximately 0.933.
  3. Cosine: The cosine of 69 degrees is approximately 0.359.


  1. Stock Market: Certain stock indices reached notable milestones in 1969.

These facts further explore various aspects of the number 69, covering a wide range of topics and disciplines.

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