The 5th Amendment and You

Ignorantia juris non excusat

In court, you only have the rights you claim.
If you have a right, but don't claim it, it is as if you never had that right.
That is a pretty good rigging technique, no surprise it presented early on in the history of 'the law'.

Well, this applies to most everything else, too.

IF you don't drive your car without your seatbelt, you have lost that right.
If you don't roll through a stop sign when it is safe to do so, you have lost that right.
When you don't record everything in public, you have lost that right.

You are the best cop they have, and you don't even get free donuts, let alone a free car with flashylights on top.

The Fifth Amendment:
No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the Militia, when in actual service in time of War or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offence to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.

The Fifth Amendment contains some of the most critical protections in the Constitution for those accused of crimes, safeguards that help keep a tyrannical government at bay.
In total, it declares five separate but related rights to all citizens.

The first right mentioned is that of a grand jury which is a group of citizens, typically 16-23 members, assembled by a prosecutor to determine if there is sufficient evidence to charge someone with a felony.
It is called a grand jury because it has more jurors than a trial jury.
Importantly, it is not a court proceeding.

Its history dates to the Magna Carta in 1215 and was part of the English common law present in colonial America.
Its intention is to shield the people from frivolous government accusations.
Interestingly, only two nations still conduct grand juries, the United States and Liberia.

The so-called “Double Jeopardy clause” protects citizens from being accused and going through the rigors of a trial twice for the same offense.
Our Founders considered this principle a matter of fairness and compassion.

Although this doctrine is a bedrock principle of our legal system, there is one key exception.
Namely, a person can be tried separately by the federal government and a state jurisdiction for the same offense.

The third section is privilege against self-incrimination, know to us today as “taking the Fifth.”
It is arguably the most fundamental right of those found in the Fifth Amendment.
At its base is the natural right to self-preservation.

This concept was part of English common law and its roots trace to the practice of religious orders extorting confessions through torture.
By the mid-1700’s, coercing answers from prisoners had largely died out in England and men like James Madison wanted to guarantee the same right to Americans.

In 1961, the Supreme Court in Miranda v. Arizona held that authorities must inform a suspect of this right against self-incrimination before proceeding with questioning.
Otherwise, any testimony would be inadmissible.

The fourth section is referred to as the “Due Process clause” and protects life, liberty, and property from impairment by the federal government.
The Fourteenth Amendment grants the same protections from the states.

This language means that the government must follow proper procedures and not violate any Constitutional rights when seeking a conviction or that conviction will not stand.
Basically, it makes the government accountable in how they act towards the people.

The final right granted in the Fifth Amendment is the “Takings clause.”
In essence, it requires the government to provide “just compensation” for private property taken from any citizen.
We know this concept as “eminent domain.”

This right could have gone even further by forbidding the forceful taking of a person’s private property regardless of the compensation.
However, our Founders knew that sometimes societal needs must outweigh individual rights.


My post today is about how you surrender your 5th amendment rights whenever you id yourself to a cop.
Simply having an id is repugnant to the 5th amendment.

The cop is going to tell you that you have to identify yourself, likely under an 'officer safety' exception to your rights.
He will likely threaten you with arrest.

This is clear evidence that the agent of the state you are talking to is a traitorous, corrupt, uniformed criminal, scumbag.
His entire chain of command should be jailed for allowing this guy into uniform.

Ask him to recite the 5 rights mentioned in the 1st amendment.
When he can't list them, you know for a fact that it is not possible for this agent of the state to fulfill his sworn oath to uphold the constitution.
Clearly, for him to continue to represent himself as an agent of the state, here to protect your rights, is a treasonous act.

The agent may be a dupe.
These are common.
But in the high pressure situation of being accosted by an armed agent of the state it won't really matter one way or the other.
Either, you can redress this agent of the state to amend his traitorous ways, or he violates your 1st amendment rights, too.

Don't expect a gov't agent to ever teach you these things in the 'sacred halls' of education, teaching the slaves to read is long known to be a bad idea.

You have to learn these things on your own.
You will have to sharpen your skills in actual defense of your inherent, god given right to be free from coercive control.

You should, imo, start the next time that a cop asks you to identify.
Remind him that god gave you the right to not testify against yourself.
The 5th amendment bars HIM from compelling you to be a witness against yourself.
He should know that, as a 'legitimate' agent of the state.

See how far you get with the low grade morons that they hire today, maybe you will win the lottery and get one that knows AND honors his oath.

But, better to learn the techniques you will need to do all your legal work on the fly, imo.
Defending yourself in court is not common knowledge.
Common english is not spoken there.
If you are fighting for your rights in court it is better to catch them with their pants around their ankles, rather than the other way around.

The odds of you getting a non-criminal judge are slim, you have to know how to go over his head, otherwise that judge does whatever the hell he wants and you have no recourse, because you are ignorant of your 'rights' under 'the law'.

Way to go, citizen!

From now on we call you slave.


Are you are tired of paying your masters to bomb children in far away places?
Perhaps it is time you pushed back on that.
A simple way that anybody can do that is to hoard your coins.
The fed buys coins at face value from the mint.
A dollar of change in your pocket is a dollar of value out of the banksters' pockets.
Stop playing in their shell game that allows them to play in the amusement parks from hell and shop in the human grocery stores.

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