Just turned 31. Reeeeee


What!!!?! It's been another year in life! First I thought 30yo would be some kind of a big thing. Been scared really (might sound stupid to a lot of people but it's actually a thing). Turned out, not that big of a problem and I still feel young and wild. Even more wild when I started to realize what are most important in life and try to focus on the thing and make it the best outcome possible.

To this point, you now think, 'dude, she just gonna rant'.. Well sers, it's my birthday. Let me just do whatever the h*ck I want really.

Not only the post, but also the hair.. #lol

Minty blonde hair!!!

Never before in life I ever thought I would cut my hair so short. How much we (girls) bitched about it when we were in Thai high school. We wanted our hair long and pretty. Well, now that I turned 31 and even a few months ago, I have cut my hair short and I get addicted. It's noicceee. Quick shampoo, quick dry, and it's just somewhat cooler cause you know, Thailand is like, 40 degree celsius heat!

The salon guy was selling me the bleaching. I was skeptical for 2 mins before saying 'f*ck yeah', Might as well some changes in life with this new number of age. Told him that blonde is good, he said, if you need colors, in a few weeks just add it so you kind of give yourself another look.

Cut, bleach, bleach again... shampoo, treatment... something for so dang long.

Look at myself in the mirror a few hours later, "Wtf is this green!!?" I really was surprised so here's what happened. The salon guy dyed my hair green-ish without even asking me first. #gg!

Hated it at first. Kept looking in the mirror before bed, after wake up but still didn't get used to it for a night. It's bizarre. Then, when a few family members started giving me some compliments, it's all good. Not just that, it grows on me! Been loving my new hair for this new number of age.




I have joined an NFT community.. another project (freshly off the minting a few days back) called Cets on Creck (previously, Cats on Crack). I minted 4 because I was so into the project, the vibes, the commu and all things cets really. One of them I minted is this cat with the look of Beerusito from Dragon ball. It was the one I didn't like the most out of 4 I minted but after I know the story or what it actually is, it becomes my most fave.

Here's Web 2 mo vs Web 3 mo 🤌

Their culture code {313} (I know!! we're getting so close to being a cult or something) which means 'your life has the potential to be better'

This might sound trippy b.. but hey, March 13, 31 years ago I was born. How can that not related!!! #lol

Not to mention the hair color I accidentally got it that's the same color as this green smoke!!! This is getting out of hands!!!


Beloved ones

It's nice to be surrounded by beloved ones and lucky enough, most who are important to me were there for me on my birthday. It's almost like a family tradition where the birthday person treats other family members with a great meal.

This year, I took them to our favorite seafood place then to a chill cafe spot by a river. A lot of them made it to the meet-up and it was just nice to see. I think it was almost 20 of us.

Another thing impressed me is that, my boyfriend managed his schedule so that he could be in Thailand before my birthday.

With this big fam, there's not much more I'd like to ask for.




I'm grateful and I think ones should be.

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