What do you think the next art trends will be?

Next Art Trends:

What do you think the next art trends will be? What do YOU think they will look like?
Just a few of my personal thoughts. I can't promise to get back to you with an answer or to be more specific than that. My thoughts are my own and are not necessarily the thoughts of any of the companies I'm affiliated with. If you want me to make a specific statement, that's fine, but diamonds are only part of it. As you know, I love to speculate and I know that there are many other factors involved.


The colors that will set it apart are the bright hues. We are in a golden age of color now. Colors that have an intense, vibrant quality. Like the colors in the sun, the best colors are a reflection of life. They are created from the inside out, with life in mind . Those colors aren't just meant to dazzle your eyes. There are no rules when it comes to color, unless you're making a statement with a bold color scheme. And I think that statement has to do with the life that these colors will represent. These colors should never become commonplace. Too many people think of colors as a thing you can wear, when what they really want is a color to stand out. That's not the case. Color is something that is meant for reflection, like the rays of sunlight. This is not something you wear. You have to have a purpose, something You can only wear colors when you have something to say. A color has its own meaning. How you present it can have meaning as well.

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