Which Dropshipping NICHES Will PROFIT in 2019?!

Random example here but a great example showing you that it is on the upward trend especially for December whether you're just starting out with dropshipping you're looking to add another category into your drop shipping store or you're completely looking to build a brand new niche store well then you're probably wondering what is the best niches to get into in 2019 now that drop shipping is completely saturated is there still money though to be made in the drop shipping space you bet your ass there is so strap in and let's get into the top three niches of 2019 and by the way if you do want to get into these niches in 2019 and capitalize on them then you better start your store today what is up hustlers welcome back to side hustle Academy a channel where we go through how to set up additional income sources on the side so you can one day chase lifestyle not dollars if you haven't already subscribe to this channel then you may want to consider hitting that subscribe button that notification bell because the lids value is dropped every single Wednesdays at 4 p.m.

Eastern Standard Time if we throwback to my first ever video where I spoke about how I made $10,000 in a single week drop shipping I know a lot of e-commerce gurus out there tell you you know your products the most important thing it is and they also say you need to get into the right niche at the right time with the right product and you know what I don't tend to agree with those guys me personally with this current store I took something that was super passionate about in a super overly saturated market and still made ten thousand dollars in three days now if I had listened to the Guru's and said you know what screw it I'm not going to get into this niche because it's too complicated and oversaturated I would have made ten thousand dollars in three days yes I do still believe that your ability to market a product is infinitely more important than selecting a popular niche because at the end of the day if you're a gun digital marketer or if you great marketer in general then you're able to sell most things in life the audio mm this baby got the 16-bit do d/a-converter however there is no doubts that if you're able to predict product trends then you're able to jump on that bandwagon early enough to be able to get your dropshipping store to completely explode for me personally I haven't jumped on product trends before I've simply you know marketed products that I enjoy marketing myself and I've found great success in that so that is proof in itself that you don't need to stick to a popular niche but it does help particularly if you're completely new to this game so if you're looking to take advantage of these niches that I'll be talking to then you need to create your store today because you want to prepare for 2019 so you need to ensure that you prepare your store today and take advantage as well of the upcoming holidays such as Halloween or Christmas obviously even new year sales okay so let's jump to my laptop as per usual and let's go over the niches that I will think will grow in 2019 inks potentially explode and I'll back that up with some data so now that we're on my laptop I want to dive into Google Trends if you haven't already been using this toy or if you haven't already heard it then you definitely need to get onto this ASAP now the first thing I want to discuss is trends that have gone downhill that you shouldn't be getting into and using Google Trends as an example of how to use this tool so it's pretty straightforward really I know that wristwatches is overly saturated on drop shipping or drop shipping stores and the overall trend for wristwatches is actually going downhill globally so let's go ahead and search globally here so actually let's just go for the let's go for the search directly and then we'll set up the parameters and let's type in wristwatches here now if we set what we want to do is set it for obviously global because we want to see a global trend unless you're particularly targeting a specific country now I always go for a lifetime because I want to see the overall trend and the overarching picture and not just you know within the year because that could tell a completely different story but as you can tell and overall it's it's just it's just going downhill since really December 2004 it sort of peaked again and this is all based on search volume so the amount of people searching for wristwatches and as you can tell today it is about 33 points in value with Google Trends which is quite low so that's a low sort of search volume and so look wristwatches not so great let's back that up with some more data let's type in a popular wristwatch brand which is Daniel Wellington now Daniel Wellington is if you don't already know a very popular sort of semi viral wristwatch brand and it's just again it looks like it's going downhill from here it's sort of peaked at certain points but overall trend is its stagnating and yeah potentially going downhill really so you know moving on from that these are the niches that I want to talk about and I think will do quite well so the first niche that I'll give you for 2019 is organic products now organic products is already a growing trend at the moment and when I say organic products you're probably thinking as he told organic products this organic food and you know this even organic furniture I believe that's made out of like literal wood and stuff like that but I'm talking about knickknacks here so for example bamboo bamboo toothbrushes I know they are popular at least in Australia but again look as you could tell here from a worldwide trend it really only started to pick up in 2016 early 2017 and it's just grown exponentially now this little downward dip here is a prediction okay it's based on as you can see here incomplete data so right now as of let's get back to that point here as of August 2018 so last month really it is peaking and there is a lot of demand from what I've seen based on tools like these and other tools that I use that are paid which I won't mention in this video but and it is a very popular niche to get into at the moment because it will only be set for more growth in 2019 now another product within this niche is essential oils so what I've got in mind here is as before I get into it but as you can tell it has just jumped exponentially from 2012 really and it's just gone on the rise so essential oils very popular and if you look down here it's also interesting to divide it by interest by region because this should sort of correlate with your Facebook targeting and with if you don't Google ads within Google ads targeting and you can geolocate by region and you can based it off related topics particularly if you're going for Google ads and keywords a bit on this is a perfect tool and so why I say organic products is a great niche to get into and there's a lot of mini products or mini winning products that are just working in this particular niche and and I see it set for growth in 2019 so it's in its early days but a lot of these products are signed to win so just think I thought outside the box here when if you're thinking about getting to this nation let's go into Aliexpress because I do want to walk the talk really and show you what sort of costs are so associated with these niches I I am recommending now organic products let's go back to the bamboo toothbrush I'm sure they have it as you can see there's quite a few results 5,000 results so it's relatively new I mean 5,000 results in Aliexpress that's not a lot of products but that is a good sign really because that means it's not a tapped into niche or product so as you can tell here very cheap I mean a set of ten bamboo toothbrushes eco-friendly seven US dollars completely free shipping so look really straightforward if you want to go with one piece each it's literally like 1 USD or less so a lot of a lot of potential profit margin here and so that's a great profit get into now the second let's go back to the home page of Google Trends the second niche that I want to recommend here is décor simple as that décor is not so tapped into and it has a lot of potential growth in terms of yes the demand for the products but on top of that there's a lot of profit margin here to work with this is perfect for high ticket dropshipping and I've preached high ticket drop shipping many times in the past but let's go into specifics here now on top of my head I know for example for as an example fare you lights are very popular now on YouTube as a youtuber fairy lights a very very you know popular and and in general décor it's very popular as well let's with this trend here it doesn't look too great but however if I were to sell this I would go worldwide and I would go all time 2004 to presents and okay so this is a better sort of overall look of the demand for this product as you can tell it sort of dips and correlates but the overall trend is it's on its growth especially here it is at its growth and it's gonna peak again and very soon as you can tell here it sort of fluctuates fluctuates fluctuates its Pete not too long ago earlier will actually either side of this year it's kind of come down again but you can tell by this trend it is very interesting I'll tell you an insight here zoom into this this insight what this insight means when you see graphs that sort of peek at certain times this tells me one thing and one thing only this tells me that fairy lights are a very popular Christmas gift as you can tell they always peek always peek at December you know without even looking at the dates I could tell straight up the bat just looking at the curves looking at Google using Google Trends enough every week really this tells you that it is a perfect Christmas gift so again like I said in at the side of this video if you want to get into these products and set yourself up to scale the products ASAP and potentially makes make tens of thousands of dollars from this single product then you need to start your advertising you need to start your store right now today so fairy lights you know random example here but a great example showing you that it is on the upward trend especially for December when it peaks at a hundred you can easily scale this product because there's gonna be so much demand on it on the internet and if you start selling on November you've got all your adds up you've got your Facebook targeting on point you can simply start scaling and loading off the budget and it is gonna sell like hot pancakes so that's very alights now of course there's other items which we're going to go into but decore it can get quite expensive and people do pay good money for it so that is the second niche that I'm recommending now the final niche is very simple actually am smart tech when I say smart tech I mean smart watches you know smart light bulbs all that good stuff and even drones because this is a very popular nation of course this is all techie and whatnot but 2019 is going to be surely set for a year where all of this explodes smart tech wearable tech drones is set to be on fire in 2019 so let's let's go ahead and check out drones I've got a funny feeling that drones is on the downward trend because you know it's not exactly as you can tell here but let's change it up look at the wider picture again very important to look at the wider picture because if you look at the 12 months in a southern country then it's you could be missing on a potential winning product now if you look here yes it is sort of on a downward trend and I thought so as much but I'm sure it's going to pick up in 2019 so drones smart LED light bulbs let's have done in smarts for the smite light bulbs now this is sort of relatively new as you tell it's sort of peat here so maybe this this this one isn't that great of a product so potentially don't go with this one but um smart tech in general wearable Tech's let's let's let's think about another one here I don't okay so video doorbells I know this this one should be popular because I've seen this quite a lot with as you can tell as I said it is quite popular it is peaking as of right now a hundred so this is a huge one so when you think smart tech think about the smart home okay I'm talking about light bulbs I'm talking about yes video doorbells and I'm talking about drones and stuff like that so very techy sort of stuff this stuff is gonna explode in 2019 now you're probably thinking all you know Ethan this is stuff that's hard to get on aliexpress tech is hard to get on aliexpress yes it is but I've already taught a lot of you guys and if you're completely new this channel I'll say it again drop shipping does not need to be purely based on aliexpress drop shipping is a business models yeah I don't know how many times I can say this and preach this but there are many businesses out there that are willing to sort of you know drop get on that drop shipping model and they don't need to be on Aliexpress so yes you can drop ship drones yes you can drop ship high quality video doorbells for example you just need to know where to look and you need to have that supplier relationship so you can negotiate and dropship certain products that might not be available to the everyday drop shipper so yeah I'm gonna end off here but I will give you one bonus point okay and if that is what is another trend in and that is print on demand now print demand has been growing this year but why printing demand is so great is because it doesn't you don't need to look for products to leverage a trend you can't excuse me you can't leverage products based on trends so for example if a big event happens and that becomes the trend you're not scrambling to look for products that are related to that event you can simply create a t-shirt design based on that event so I suspect this is this is continuing to grow in 2019 print on demand will be huge so I do a lot of print demand stuff on this channel because I love it personally I love to pair it together with drop shipping I love to pair it with Aliexpress products and so there we have it that's my suggestion guys I hope you enjoyed this video and if you did give it a thumbs up as always and be sure to subscribe lit content every Wednesdays at 4 p.m.

Eastern same time as always guys thanks for watching and keep on possibly .
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Posted from my blog with SteemPress : https://necktiv.com/which-dropshipping-niches-will-profit-in-2019/

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