2021 1UP price prediction based on its mass adoption

              1up is a native coin of the uptrennd platform that is being used on the uptrennd platform to reward content creators as well as users of the uptrennd platform. Advertisers can also use the coin to advertise their business on the uptrennd platform in order to increase its viewership. 1up coin is being created and issued on the ethereum network . In early 2019,one coin was going for around $0.02. During this time, users of the uptrennd platform were only able to earn some 1up but withdrawal was not yet enabled. Some users were able to buy some 1up in the exchange so that they deposit them into their account which they then use them to upgrade their account level as well as to advertise their content on the uptrennd platform in order to increase their views. This causes the price of the coin to suddenly increase to around $0.06. Currently, the price of 1up is at around $0.003 which is expected to increase with time due to an increase in its mass adoption which can further be explained as below;

Mass adoption.

Since uptrennd was created,many users as well as creators have been joining the uptrennd platform in order to monetize their data as well as to advertise their content over there. Therefore, we can say that as more numbers of users as well as creators are joining the uptrennd platform, more advertisers will also be lured to join the uptrennd platform in order to advertise their business there thus resulting to an increase in the utility function of the native coin which in turn will result to an increase in the price of 1up. On the other hand, when the already existing users are starting to leave the uptrennd platform for other platform due to unfavourable conditions such as a decline in their earning on the uptrennd platform, then advertisers will also start leaving the uptrennd platform for other platform to advertise their business there thus resulting to a decrease in the utility function of the native coin which in turn will result to a decrease in the price of the coin. Furthermore, the price of the coin can further be explained on a bullish and bearish condition as below;

1. 1up bullish price prediction based on its mass adoption.

In a bullish market, the 1up will be moving in an upward direction .In early 2019,one 1up was valued at around $0.02.By that time, that is when uptrennd platform had started operating although users were unable to withdraw their earning since the withdrawal was not yet enabled. Those users as well as advertisers who wanted to level up their level in order to increase their earning were able to buy some 1up token on IDEx exchange which was then instantly deposited into their account. Towards the end of 2019,when uptrennd was about to enable withdraw of 1up token, the price was able to go as high as $0.06 .When it was enabled, the price went as low as $0.0003. Currently, one 1up token is trading at around $0.005 and the price is expected to increase overtime. Here is the candlesticks chart showing the price analysis for 1up;


                            The  above is the 1up token in terms of USDT. Two points are being indicated. There is point A and B. Before A, the 1up can be seen to be trending in an upwards direction all the way to around $0.0056. This upward trend is due to an increase in the number of users and creators on the platform . This attracts more advertisers to join the platform in order to advertise there. Advertisers are buying some 1up in order to use them to advertise their business there thus increasing their traffic. At the same time,creators are also buying some   1up token in order to upgrade their level in order to increase their earning. This in turn causes the  utility function of  1up to increase thus causing the price to increase to $0.0056 as earlier stated. At $0.0056 , some users and creators are requesting for the withdrawal of their earned token. Upon receiving them in their wallet, most of them are starting to transfer them to exchanges in order to sell them. This in turn result to an increase in supply of the token in the ethereum without buyers which in turn causes a decrease in demand of the token thus causing the price to decline at point A at around $0.0051. At point A, some creators as well as advertisers are again demanding for the token in order to level up as well as advertise their business. This result to an increase in the utility function of the coin thus causing the price to increase again to point B at around $0.0058. If more users will continue joining the platform, then more advertisers will also continue demanding for the coin in order to continue using it to advertise their business thus increasing their traffic. Creators will also continue demanding for the token in order to upgrade their level thus increasing their earning.  This will result to a further increase in the utility function of the coin thus it can go as high as $0.02.You can buy at current market price and hold it until it reaches $0.02 so that you sell to make some good profit.

2.1up bearish price analysis based on its mass adoption.

In a bearish market,1up moves in a downwards direction. In 2019, uptrennd platform started operating where one 1up was going for around $0.02. Around August when uptrennd was about to enable the withdrawal of the token, the price rises all the way to around $0.06. The price was then seen to have gone as low as $0.0003 in early 2020. Currently, the price is at around $0.005 . Here is the candlesticks chart showing the price analysis for 1up in terms of USDT.       


                          The above is the 1up in terms of USDT. There are two points indicated. Point A and B. Before A, the market has been trending downwards all the way to $0.0051. This downwards market movement is due to few engagement in the platform thus causing advertising to decline demanding the token to advertise on the platform. This in turn causes the utility function to decline thus the price declines to $0.0051 as stated above. At around $0.0051, there is an increase of engagement on the platform thus advertisers are demanding for the token in order to use them to advertise their business on the platform. This causes the utility function to increase again thus causing the price to increase to Point  A at around $0.0053. At point A, some users are again starting to reduce their engagement on the platform . This causes the advertisers to again stop demanding the coin thus causing the utility function to decline. Some users are also starting to request for withdraw in order to sell them . This result to a further decline in price to point B at around $00050. If the engagement will decline, then more advertisers will also decline their demand for the coin thus causing the price to further decline to below $0.004 although I am not bearish for the token. I am just bullish so I think you should consider buying


1up which is being created and issued on the ethereum network is a native coin of the uptrennd platform that is being used to reward users and content creators .Advertisers can also use the token to advertise their business on the platform in order to increase the traffic for their business. Some creators can also use the coin to upgrade their level in order to increase their earning on the platform since the higher your level the more your earning. In 2019 when the platform started operating, one token was going for around $0.02. By late 2019,the price increases all the way to around $0.06 due to withdrawal enabled which attracted more advertisers and users to the platform. Currently, the price is at around $0.003 and is expected to increase overtime. Therefore, we can say that when more users are joining the platform, then more advertisers will also join the platform to advertise there thus causing the utility function of the token to increase thus causing its price to increase. On the other hand,when the engagement on the platform decreases, the advertisers will also stop demanding for the coin thus resulting to a decrease in its utility function. This will in turn causes the price to decline. I am bullish for 1up token

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