How to germinate your own trees from the seeds (Personal Project) :herb:

Hey my fellows! How are you been doing? I´m so glad that i finally found some time to share another post with my steemians, it´s ben a while since my last post came out ( here´s the link please go and check it out!) i have been a little busy working on the hospital as a medicine student practitioner, anyways it´s better later than never.

Today i bring you my recent results of a little experiment that it´s been taking some part on my mind from a long time ago when decided to start doing some reforestation in a little miuntain that s near my home, so a few months ago in my country Venezuela were the spring time and all of the cool stuffs of this season flowers, fruits and all that; so i thought "Why not take the fruits of the trees and take out the seeds and try to germinate them to find out what comes?" sooooo here is what i´ve found out in 3 long months of slowly growing... :herb:

  • Seeds coming out of the ground on the second week.

Before seeing more photos i wanna give you more info.... Before getting the seeds i readed a little about how to germinate them and i found some really interesting info that in can resume in:

  1. Get your seeds from any fruit :seedling: (in my case i took seeds from a local treee named Caro-Caro, magoes and avocado).

  2. Place them in a wet land, plough under some soil about 3 cm from surface to allow the seed feel the warm sun :sunny:

  3. Irrigate them once or twice a day with a little water :droplet:

  4. Have some patience :crying_cat_face: :pray:

This is basically what i did and all my plans were done right! after 1 month i could finally see my little plants growing up so cuuuute!!! and the most important is that al made by myself without expending any amount of money!!!! So next you're gonna enjoy the process in pictures!
:arrow_heading_up:Image 1Caro-Caro little tree*

:arrow_heading_up: Image 2 Caro-Caro trees after that i replanted them.

:arrow_heading_up: Image 3 That´s an avocado seed, this little friend takes a long more to give that stem, like a month.

:arrow_heading_up: Image 4 This is the same avocado plant 2 months after.

:arrow_heading_up: Image 5 This is a little mangoe, affortunately near where i live there are some mangoe trees and in the season they give some really gooood and tasty big mangoes, i hope this little friend does the same.

:arrow_heading_up:Image 6 Those are my little mangoe trees, the biggest is the one in the upper picture.

Well by the moment these are my advances, this a very slow process and if you wanna try it home you must arm yourself with a huge dose of patience but most important it`s worthy the wait; i hope you enjoyed reading my post and please feel free to leave your comments i will aprecciate it! And of course Upvote yayyyy!!! :metal:

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