An amateur photographer and steemit

 Steemit and Me

  • In 2017,Last week of December, I got a notification on my facebook some one commented on the friend's sharing post that introduced about steemit platform.After following it's link i was confused. But i felt that steemit works like real job. For the lack of good skill in English i'm not understand  most of the answers of FAQ. Not quite understanding i start  accont sign up process. Although my account was inproved, I don't know how to start my steemit success way. Most of my rest (spare) times was used in reading on Steemit FAQ. Finally, I found the ways that i've already my hobby and very intrest in this 
  • photography 
  • God is good all the time, 
  • I was born in the country that rich in natural resources and unique places that can learn acient traditional cultures. Also feel in the beautiful nature scenarios. Especially, everywhere around my native town has full of beautiful scenes.


  • Every time a saw the nature beauty around my native land i want to save these moment as a picture. Than I was start learning Bout photography. With my SAMSUNG-Ace Smart phone built in camera i was captured many of practicing/Learning photos.
  •   2014,December, I got my first DSLR Camera NikonD5100.I was captured  photos just save in my computer as my beautiful memories.. !
  • Now, i have a good chance to share how beautiful my native land is! 

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