Zombies of Zearth

The Hive Name.png


The informants of this publication wish to remain anonymous. Not for their own safety but for that of their family's. Due to this some facts have been left out of the story as inclusion would undoubtedly lead to their identification been known. The informants have shown with documentation of proof recorded material and photographic that the events to follow are true.

The boardroom was lit with dim lighting around it's border, along the the wall and on the opposite side in from of closed blinds that concealed windows that lay behind. Nineteen spot lights illuminated 19 chairs that were placed around a large table made of mahogany. One light the twentieth was not lit up and the chair it covered was blank. At the head of the table one man spoke and the rest of the collective listened, without objection. Fear of losing the position held or even worse kept the silence and agreement in place.

The man speaking was Zoros.

"The plans we had in place have been disrupted by closed minded politicians, who cannot see that this needs to be done. It needs to be done for all of us. If we want to maintain control this must be done. The problem we are faced with now is one which could set us back years if a solution is not found and I have that solution."
"Our research here has to stop, they say it is too dangerous. To this end we have made a choice to continue the research outside of their jurisdiction and move it to Zhina. We will have total freedom their to develop the virus and release it without the eyes of the world being placed on us."

No objections came from the seated chairs. Eyes did look to the empty chair of the table though.

Eighteen months later a virus was released. Zhina had closed entry and restricted travel from the area around the research lab. The death toll was expected to be high. Not just within the local area but globally. The virus was expected to be transmitted worldwide through air travel. With the government of Zhina using the powers they hold over their nation. The concealment of the virus was was working for over a month before word began to leak out to the rest of the world. Dedicated Zhina watchers were alerted to the risks and began reporting the situation outside of Zhina.

Other nations were still slow to react to the threat of the virus though. Unsure of the nature and the danger it posed. One nation was much quicker than others in response though and restricted flights from the original infected area. In hindsight restriction from any nation that had transport still open with Zhina should have been closed too. It was not long before other nations also restricted travel from Zhina too which had a positive impact against the spread.

Lockdowns were placed in nations across the world. Global media was used to incite fear into the general population. This fear was then used as a political weapon by extremists. False reports on deaths by the virus were pushed on medical staff to put any death that happened down to the released virus.

So here's the zombie part within this global conspiracy.

Taking the words of the controlled media who do not report the truth, but report opinion without fact for the purpose of self elevation. Those who take this information at face value without looking any deeper then the words spoken are the zombies of the planet. Those who cannot observe the contradictions put out by these media privately controlled propaganda outlets are the zombies. Suffering with the lack of function of a brain. Accepting the words of opinion as fact, when those same so called facts are changed to suit the day. This has lead to one media outlet being labelled the Communist News Network.

The pandemic the world now suffocates under is not a virus of Covid. It is a pandemic of brain dead people taking opinion as fact without any facts being shown. Maybe the only way to eliminate this pandemic would be to annihilate them like we would in a movie.

When we have one side searching for solutions and an opposing side, consistently going against anything said or tried strictly for a political benefit. One side does not have the interest of the population in mind but only holds in their view the ambition of power and control over a nation and the people within.

@Snook Sorry I know this is nothing like what you had in mind when you thought up to write about Zombies. But when I think of Zombies this is what I think, too many sitting on a couch taking in false propaganda. Failing to use the strongest muscle they have. to me it is brain dead, a Zombie.

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