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Details About The Promising Cryptocurrency Named Zestcoin

Hi, all cryptolovers. Hope all are well. Today I am going to share a promising cryptocurrency named zestcoin. First I want to let you know Zest technical Specs.

Name : Zest
Ticker : ZEST
Total Supply: 29,300,000
Masternode Collateral: 2500
Algorithm: Quark
Block Time: 2 Minutes
Mature Time: 12 Hours
Port: 22030
RCPort: 22031
Blocks per day: 720
Block Reward Allocation: 15% staking, 5% Zest Foundation

Zest aims to decode cryptocurrencies for the everyday consumer, making the safest form
of monetary transactions feel even safer. Rudimentary computer skills and common sense
is all it takes to use Zest’s proprietary approach to Dedicated Masternodes. Each Dedicated
Masternode Pool is built on the principles of altruism and giving back to the global
community, establishing Zest as the world’s first cryptocurrency designed for cyclical
good. Whether it’s providing support down the block or across country borders, each fund
will give back to global initiatives across five key pillars to create value for both Zest
members and the causes they believe in.

Why You Choose ZEST:

  1. Smart Growth Approach
  2. Reverse Engineered Roll-out Structure Dedicated Masternode Pools
  3. Dedicated Masternode Pools
  4. Self-sustaining Ecosystem
  5. Balanced Reward Framework
  6. Transparency & Accountability

The problems that Zest Solves:

  1. Soliciting Public Donations
  2. Embezzlement & Fraud
  3. Unsustainable Rewards
  4. Diluted Coin Prices
  5. High Inflation Rates
  6. Transparency of Fund Allocation

ZestCoin Project Roadmap:

Zest on Exchanges:

  1. Cryptopia
  2. Coinexchange

