3300 Bitcoins for one ZCASH ZEC coin

OK own up who paid 3299.99999999 BITCOINS for one ZCASH ZEC coin? This is equivalent to $2,342,999 US dollars!!!!

I don't think it is a bug because I did see some silly numbers being thrown around yesterday for ZEC.

I know there are some rich people about but $2.3 million is a bit excessive for one coin (NOT ONECOIN haha). Maybe there will be some mainstream media coverage of this, but I doubt it. I'm guessing the only time it will be in the MSM is if a major bug is detected or a major crime can linked to it.

6 Bitcoins is probably reasonable for now since there are so few ZEC, but it's out of my price range.

I still can't believe the 3299 Bitcoins for one ZEC. WTF!!!!

Was it you Satoshi?

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