New Youtube Monetization Changes


Hello guys

I wanted to write a quick post about how I feel about the new Monetization rules that Youtube have announced. You can read about It here.

Basically, Youtube is tightening the rules for video monetization. Previously you only needed 10,000 views collectively to be able to join Youtube's Partner Program which enabled users to have ads displayed on their videos. Now the new rules state that the user must have a total of 4,000 watch hours on their channel within the last 12months and 1,000 subscribers. YouTube will enforce the new eligibility policy for all existing channels as of February 20th, which means that channels that are already monetized but no longer meet the requirements will now no longer be monetized.

I have seen quite an uproar about this on Twitter, some claiming that Youtube Is making It harder for newer upcoming channels to thrive on the platform. I'm witnessing a flurry of sub for sub tweets to enable each other to reach the 1000 subscribers threshold fast.

Personally, I welcome this new change. I have been uploading videos to Youtube for about 5months now and In recent months hit 10,000 views and was waiting to be monetized. I have been waiting two months and now I know why Youtube wasn't In any rush to monetize me. Now under the new rules, my channel Is no longer eligible for this as I only have 201 subscribers although I meet the other 2 requirements. It means nothing to me as I enjoy uploading videos and I will continue to do so for as long as I enjoy It. It will take me a lot longer now, maybe years until I will be eligible for monetization and I'm ok with that.

In the meantime, I have a Dtube channel which I upload to daily to also. This doesn't serve as a replacement for my Youtube channel but rather an alternative. Since I'm unsure where the future of video content lies I feel like It's good to have a backup. For now, I'm happy to have my videos on both platforms where I can gain more exposure.

Let me know what you think down In the comments below. There's no right or wrong answer, only opinions that I will respect.

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