Introduction on yoga.

Hy friend,
Today I am here to present an important topic of our life which is most benefit for our health. That is "YOGA".


#Origine of word yoga

The origin of the word 'yoga' is from the Sanskrit word 'Yuj' which means to join'. According to Patanjali, who is supposed to be the founder of yoga, the meaning of the word 'Yuj' is to stabilise the mind for the union of Atma and Parmatma. In simple words yoga is a way to join God.

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*Every great persons take yoga as in his own ways.
For example:

Swami Digambar ji, "Yoga is a union of Atma and

Satyapal, "Yoga is derived from Sanskrit word 'Yuj' which means the union of soul with God."

Shankracharya says, "Yoga is withdrawal of sense organs from the worldly objects and their control through yoga."

Geeta (epic book of hindu) says yoga is eveness of temper

Yoga consist of mainly 8 parts which are as follows:
(i) Yama:
(ii) Niyam:
(iii) Asana:
(iv) Pranayam:
(v) Pratyahar:
(vi) Dharana:
(vii) Dhayana:
(viii) Smadhi:

There are various types of asans are:

*Cultural Asanas : For body fitness.

  • Meditative Asanas : For improving mental activities.
    *Relaxative or Therapeutic Asanas : For curing various problems.

These asanas are performed in standing, sitting, lying (proline and supine lying) or inverted postures. The warming-up in yoga is performed with Surya Namaskar (sun salute stretching).

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#Standing Asanas
1 Tarr asana.
2 ushtt asana.
3 trikon asana.
4 garud asana.

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#Sitting asana
1 padma asana
2 Vajra asana
3 paschimotan asana
4 akaran dhanur asana

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#lying asana
1 shav asana
2 makra asana
3 sarp asana
4 dhanur asana

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