Yoga Trail Curation Update : March 7th, 2018

The new Yoga Trail,
Encouragement and Education!

Some housekeeping in regards to Yoga-Trail on discord.

My new cartoon character for
drafting exercise routines.
To be completely honest and transparent, I want to point out that I do not write these things for your votes. I like votes and I hope I get them, but I really have some other goals which are more important to me.

1) I hope to build a reputation as a fair curator of posts.
2) I am trying to spark conversation on the Yoga-Trail discord - So I can have conversations.
3) This is part of my discipline to help myself do Yoga regularly.
4) And yes, I hope you will see my other articles and enjoy them and upvote them.

But the point here is that you should know that I do not directly receive the votes on this article. I am writing as a franchize of sorts and get a portion of the eventual SBD. So please do upvote me and the other authors here, but no, I am not just spamming for your votes.

- @baerdric

Yoga journey, Day 15
by @stefunniy
I find it encouraging to read about the progress of others folks who are also trying to build a new good habit.

Virabhadrasana 3
by @anahata
It would be nice if I could add these postures to my routine as quickly as I add them to my Curation Update! I still have a ways to go to regain my strength and balance. But I did try it! But at this point I will be practicing it while holding onto my walking stick for safety.

"I'm the most resistant to routine person I know" by @brightstar
So yeah, I really need to read stuff like this every day. Personally, I do the one minute method and add a minute periodically.


How I choose posts to curate : I check for obvious plagiarism, good grammar, and friendly, creative and engaging writing. Then it's a matter of value to the community over how much a post has already earned. I lean towards posts that don't have a lot of votes when I can.

What is Yoga Trail
To encourage great content on Steemit and to support the Yoga community, the Yoga Trail exists as a more chat-like way for Yoga Authors on Steemit to communicate. It is NOT a self promotion site, and only by extension a curation site. The main focus is on communication and support. Please click on the link above and say hello.

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