Seeking Knowledge

Any seeking of knowledge or truth outside of the specific and proscribed methods listed by the Creator are an abomination to Him. These endeavors only lead to deception because the father of lies can only lie. Any "truth" he tells will be wrapped in layers of deception you will NEVER fathom. He is smarter than humans and has been in the lying game for a very long time. You will not out-smart the dark forces. Any "good" you get from them will come with a far worse curse that will not be worth the wealth and power you receive. There is only one source for truth. Seeking truth from the adversary is great folly indeed. What good does it do a man to gain the entire world yet lose his own soul?

I realize you are likely an atheist... or worse a "spiritual" person. Sorcery (drug enhanced seeking of knowledge/power), divination (seeking knowledge/power from evil spirits), and necromancy (seeking knowledge/power from the dead [all are demons]) are strictly forbidden for very good reasons. People trying to learn dark secrets and occult knowledge are NEVER satisfied. Just as Death and Destruction are never satisfied, so human desire is never satisfied. Try and see the trap you are in. There is an escape.

You have heard that the truth will set you free. Can you agree that if you reject truth, you are in bondage to some degree? The truth of the payment made on your behalf is why you can be free. The payment made on your behalf determines your worth. You were purchased at a great price, therefore your worth is also great. Accepting the truth that the Creator paid for your sins (disobeying the Creator is sin) with the very blood of His only begotten Son is what sets you free. Yahushua (Jesus) is our Kinsman Redeemer because he has suffered at every point as a man and yet has the purity, worth and power to redeem us. The default position is the dark side. Your soul belongs to the dark side at birth but the decision is not binding until the age of decision (around 7 or 8 for most people).

Since this is a voluntary system, you can change your mind anytime you still have breath. The danger in waiting is that you are very unlikely to either know or do the Father's will if you are not His child. You must decide to become born again in order to comprehend His will. If you do not have the empowerment and cleansing of the Holy Spirit, you will not have the strength to obey the Father's will.

This is the stark truth: ONLY those who both know and DO the Father's will are allowed into His Kingdom. All higher truth is spiritual in nature. A person with a soul separated from truth, light, and love cannot fathom spiritual truth. A dead soul knows nothing. Reading the Bible with a dead soul is not very profitable. If you reject this truth, there is nothing left but the material world and spiritual deception (your physical mind can be spiritually deceived) for you. You may gain great wealth and power from the dark side. This is true. What is also true, is the fact you will have eternity to suffer and regret your choice. There is a choice. This life is a test with one primary Question: Who do you say Yahushua is? Choose wisely and live in truth and love for all eternity. Choose poorly and have pleasure for a short season followed by suffering for eternity. Let all who have breath praise Yahweh!

The human mind recoils at this notion of eternity. It doesn't seem "fair". I have noticed, and hopefully you have also noticed, that life is rarely "fair". Life is a test. We either pass the test and move up or we fail and suffer loss. The value of a redeemed soul is more than the entire creation. Figure out why this is true and you will be walking on the Narrow Path that leads to salvation. This salvation is a marathon. It is a race which must be finished in order to receive the Crown of Life. Run this race so as to win it. Finish the race well and hear "Well done, my good and faithful servant."

Only those who have learned the discipline of mortifying their flesh AND walking in the Spirit will be in the Kingdom. Become a true Disciple today. Walk as Yahushua walks: in love, power, and authority.

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