I got one!

Following on from yesterdays post the story continues:
I get an hour for lunch, and the main town is seven miles away, so it should be perfectly doable to nip down and see if the elusive Xbox X had arrived. Climbing three flights of stairs, wheezing and puffing like an eighty-year-old, I dragged my sorry carcass to the counter. Theerren the Goth was not there, so this did not bode well given he had said he was on duty Monday, which in turn meant I shouldn't really mention that he had supposedly surreptitiously put one to one side for me, which clearly he hadn't if he wasn't there. Who was there was the fake blond from yesterday. "Hi, I was wondering if you've had that delivery of Xbox X in yet?" looking like a rabbit caught in the headlights, she replied "Umm yes, they're out the back. Do you want one?" nodding my head like a loon, I responded "Yes please." off blondie trotted and a few moments later, she returned clutching my prize. "Cash or Card?" she asked. "Card please" and this dear reader was where it all started to go wrong. When I arrived, a couple of guys were fussing under the counter, bobbing their heads up and waggling the mouse. "We can't take card payments for the minute. We think our Internet is down." wait! what? No, no-no. You're not doing this to me! "I can go and get some cash. I'll be right back once I've negotiated the three flights of stairs!"

It always amazes me how busy the town is during the week. OK, true, some might be on a lunch break like myself, but that wouldn't account for even half the amount of people out and about. Walking as briskly as possible, I arrived at my bank to be greeted by locked doors. A woman cracked one of the doors open slightly "Can I help you?" she said, looking like she wished she had one of those industrial strengths masks. "Yes, I need some cash, and it's more than the cashpoint (ATM) can issue." looking slightly miffed that she would have to let me in, I joined the queue waiting to be served.

Why is there always some arsewipe in front of you doing the most complicated transaction at lunchtime and clearly given their age actually able to do this sort of thing at ten o'clock in the morning or three o'clock in the afternoon but no, they have to do it at lunchtime don't they? There were only two tills open, stood at one was an old lady transferring monies from numerous accounts and then setting up payments of £100 per month to five individuals I presume 'Back home'. Next to her were two elderly guys who had some issue with their residency or proof of who they were because the bank had asked them to provide documents and passports and god knows what. I'm not going to lie. My anger levels were really starting to get the better of me. I only have an hour for lunch, and I'd already used up forty minutes and had still yet to return to the computer shop. Finally reaching the counter, I asked for £500.00. OMG! Did I want my cashpoint limit raised to £500? £1000? £1500? Did I want the money transferring? "JUST GIVE ME THE CASH!" is what I wanted to scream. Finally, I left clutching an envelope and braced myself for climbing Everest yet again.

By now, it was ten past one, so not only was I already 10 minutes over my lunch hour, but I still had to buy the Xbox and get back home. Crawling on my hands and knees, I finally made it up the three flights of stairs. As I approached the counter, a guy whipped in front of me, looking to pre-order some game. Blondie proceeded to take his details, and I noticed enter them on the computer. Hang on? Are your systems back up? Having taken his information, she proceeded to ask for them all over again "That's not gone through for some reason?" she said. By now, I openly admit I'm ready to do someone some serious physical damage. I have £500 cash! I can see my Xbox, and I'm now twenty minutes over my lunch hour! Blondie continued to faff about with the guy in front until finally, it was my turn. "So you're back up and running then and able to take card payments?" I said "Yes" she replied sheepishly. I handed over my cash, and she started to process the sale "Have you got a loyalty card?" she said. Not on me, but I gave her my postcode etc. "Oh, you have four cards if you go on the app....." my safety valve blew, and I cut across her "I don't have time for this! I'm already forty minutes over my lunch hour. I need to go!

I arrived home one hour and fifty minutes from when I left. The thing is, it took all the excitement and enjoyment out of the experience. I literally slung the bag containing the Xbox in the corner, returned to my home office desk, and checked to ensure nobody had been phoning or emailing me. Even when I'd finished work, I wasn't overly excited now to set it up, although I will say the setup was one redeeming feature. With the Xbox phone app, it was a doddle and only took two or three minutes. Brilliant!

My actual name is Pete

Find out Here why I have the username dick_turpin.

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Podcaster. FOSS, Linux & Creative Commons Advocate.
"Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind."
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