JSC-JDC will be decided to reduce number-points.

Ministry of Education has agreed with the proposal of Chairman of the Board of Education to reduce the number of JSC and JDC exams and problems. However, the final decision will be taken at the National Curriculum Coordination Committee meeting (NCC). In the meeting of NCC on 27th May.

The decision was taken at a meeting of the Education Ministry on Sunday. A senior official of the Education Ministry was present in the meeting, confirmed the information in the first light.

Intermediate Board Coordination Submission of Board of Education Board of Directors Junior School Certificate (JSC) and Junior School Dakhil Certificate (JDC) examinations have been proposed to provide 650 numbers of the total of seven subjects. Currently, there are 850 test subjects in 10 subjects, including the fourth subject.

According to the new proposal, the first and second letter of JSC will be a test of 100 questions. There are two tests in English and 100. Now there are two letters of two tests, the total number of two letters 150. According to the proposal, the fourth subject will be evaluated consistently in educational institutions. But mathematics, religion, science, Bangladesh and world identity and information and communication technology will be similar to the test.

Today's meeting was led by the Secretary of the Ministry of Secondary and Higher Education, Ministry of Education. Sohrab Hossain on May 8, the Chairman of the Education Board offered to reduce the numbers and problems in these two examinations. Now the students have to wait another week for the final decision on this issue.

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