A'mara Books Update - July 14

This week at A’mara Books:

I was a bit low-energy this week due to fighting an infection in my jaw. (Long story involving a failed root filling.) I think it’s finally on the mend, thankfully. Despite that, I came out with a Apostrophe (Whaleshares) challenge supplemental chapter which pleased Curie enough for them to give it my 25th upvote from them. If you haven’t read it, please check it out Letter From Beyond the Veil – it may eventually get redeveloped into a longer work.

The biggest news this week though – is finally finishing the first draft of Game of the Neví!!! YAY!!! This story has fought me so much!!!


In all, this week, I wrote:

over 9000 words

  • Game of the Neví received half of that – bringing it to 71,ooo words making it the longest work I’ve completed to date. Sharing it with you is going to take a full three months! (Plenty of time to get the next one written – and maybe make some progress on the sequel for Brighid’s Blood (currently on Whaleshares) and/or the 852 TCE stories.

  • Letter From Beyond the Veil received 1000 words

  • Neví 5 received the other 4000 words bringing it up to 14,000 words.

Cover image

I did work on it and got Laisen’s character completed. I also have most of their set the way I want it. (I’d give for some foam pieces to add to the set, but I’m not that gifted with my 3D work yet.) In reality, most of the set is likely to be cropped out of the final anyway.

Posing had been a bit of a challenge this time. I have two areas of difficulty.
Firstly, I can’t find any preset pose that comes even close to a decent combat pose – which seems a bit strange to me.

So, I’m going to have to pose them on my own – and turned to looking for images of people fighting into a bind – where it’s more or less “paused” at the moment of the bind. Yeah… those aren’t easy to find. Then, I turned to YouTube for help there, but it’s really difficult to find what I want. When I do find such things, they usually focus too closely to the characters, so I can’t see what their bodies are doing. (And at times when I do see it, it’s less than a second long, so I can’t pause it in the right spot!) I did find a couple of lightsaber battle clips which come close, but it’s going to be a real challenge to pose this scene well.

(The actual pose is between 1:45 and 1:47 - sometimes it stops in the right place, sometimes it doesn't.)

Then, this interesting compilation (which very well demonstrates the improvement of technique over the course of the movies.)

(Again, the actual pose wasn't captured for me here - it's between 9:58 and 10:00. This is what I'll be (mostly) modeling from.)

Secondly, The katana that I’m using fits really well with Jessten’s model (Vic 6), but very poorly with Laisen’s model (Genesis 8). I have another sword that *could be used, but they don’t parent to their hands very well – plus the fact that their weapons need to be of identical model. (Plot necessity.)

If you have any thoughts or knowledge to help me with this scene, I’d be grateful for it.

A little break?

I just got the rest of Mind of the Neví queued on Steempeak – it takes me into August – which is great because I’m going to be doing some traveling for the first part of August. So, we’ll have a brief break before we get into Game of the Neví. I’ll try to keep the Whaleshares chapters coming, but it will depend on Wifi access while we’re gone.

There should be some more stunning pictures coming from those two weeks though! From the Rockies to the Pacific coast and back… lots of amazing scenery.

Coming this week

  • Five more chapters of Mind of the Neví on Steem.
  • Seven more chapters of Brighid’s Blood on Whaleshares
  • Proofread Game of the Neví
  • Finish cover and end materials for Game of the Neví.
  • Map update for Game of the Neví
  • Encyclopedia work, maybe epublishing.
  • Work on Neví 5


If you have liked any of my books, please take the time to leave me a review/rating at Goodreads

Anyway, that’s what’s been going on here at A’mara Books this week! I hope you manage to take a few minutes to immerse yourself in my world of Terrenden – which I’m so delighted to share with you!

Crossposted on Steem, Whaleshares, WeKu and Hyperspace.
Please bring popcorn!
(Just for @popcornexpress...)

LINKS TO BUY! (in chronological order)
Notes: C.E.= "Common Era" (Earth)T.C.E. = "Terrenden Common Era" - B.T.C.E. = "Before Terrenden Common Era"

Brighid's Blood

Brighid's Blood

2006 C.E. and 1213 B.T.C.E.
Katja and Rachel are so desperate for love that they cast two love spells one night.
But the Guardians do not consider spells "fun", but rather as cries for help from the very depths of your soul.
Certainly Katja and Rachel could not have possibly imagined where these spells would take them!

Book 1 in the series: When God Lines Meet

Buy at:
Books2Read - digital formats only
Scribl - digital/cryptocurrency
LBRY - digital - cheapest option at the moment.
Lulu - paperback

Birth of the Neví

Birth of the Neví
829 T.C.E.
It is a tumultuous period of Terrenden history. As is all too common, there are those who wish to profit from the misfortune of others. Some of these come together in a new "charitable organization" and step on the toes of the notorious Uugli. Combine this with draconian new measures to combat pollution and Terrenden has a situation ripe for a power struggle.

Book 1 in the series: Rise of the Neví

Buy at:
Books2Read - digital formats only

Name of the Neví

Name of the Nevi

829 T.C.E. - All of Terrenden is reeling in the aftermath of the Restrictions brought in at the end of the last session of Parliament. Suffering the most are the industrial countries throughout the world. But the forests of Çtaráña and Shayanda are still being poisoned and fingers are being pointed bringing the continent of Kranisis to the brink of war. How can the A'mara save Kranisis amidst their own personal struggles?

Book 2 in the series: Rise of the Neví

Buy at:
Books2Read - digital formats only

Rebound of Power - 850 TCE Collection of Romance Rebound of Power: 850 T.C.E. Collection of Romance
Terrenden is being terrorized by a previously underestimated Neví who, through the mysterious “Curator,” have been controlling elections all over the planet.
In this collection, we meet some interesting women.
Iyva - a homeless teenager in Irola whose untrained power leaves her close to death in Rebound of Power;
Marc’la - a breeder of prized caballus in Kasago whose heart lives in the past in Friendship on Fire;
Zukie - an abused widow whose heart is afraid to try for future happiness in Courage to Trust;
Jenna - an elections assistant manager and masseuse who has a prejudice against A’mara in Elect to Change;
Kami - a chola student in Varkevand who has been assigned to protect Ardin, a man who has his own reasons to distrust A’mara in Ocean of Empathy.
Acting the Part Acting the Part - 851 T.C.E. Collection of Romance
The Neví have infiltrated the Terrenden Freedom Party. Dr. Jarly is on the run and the Curator still dominates the Terrenden stage. Famous actor, Derick Aiden has released his Neví expose film and now the Neví want him dead...
In this collection, we meet more interesting women.
Kauri - a simple receptionist who doesn’t realize one of her wildest dreams has come true; in Acting the Part
Tirry - an elections manager who is always the bridesmaid and never the bride; in Building on Promise
Zara - a chef who has all but given up on finding love for herself; and
D'zani - who isn’t even looking, but has to chaperone her more vulnerable roommate; in Spice of Strength
Soala - an heiress who is expected to marry, but refuses to marry someone she doesn’t love; and
Moxara - one whose past griefs have locked away her heart in Sands of Survival.
We also get updates on some of the lovely ladies we met previously.

Rise of the Neví

829-835 T.C.E. In this series, the Neví begin their rise in power with the completion of several large housing projects that seem totally charitable, but also hide a great evil within. The draconian measures (829 T.C.E.) have caused major distress throughout the world, perfect for giving the Neví a further foothold on the Terrenden stage. Will the A’mara, now removed from the Council of Peers, be able to shut down the Neví before disaster strikes?

Titles include: Birth of the Neví, Name of the Neví, Mind of the Neví, Game of the Neví, more to come...

**(To be Named)** - 852 T.C.E. Collection of Romance... It's confirmed that the Neví are now in all three houses of Parliament and most assemblies throughout Terrenden. Additionally, some are threatening to introduce legislation to severely cripple the A'mara of all their privileges.

In this collection, we will catch up with our fugitives (Iyva/Zilan, D'zani/Elíaz). We will also meet Celna Dellan in X'lea; Peri Harmon, a Peer Councilor in Irola; Janys Tyne, an elections team leader in Atrua; meet a nice (as of yet unnamed) woman in Kasago; and revisit Vissia and Catalia in Towani.

Writing and artwork copyright myself 2005-2019 – all rights reserved.
If you are interested in helping me publish these works, please contact me on Facebook or Discord, viking-ventures#2883.

Lori Svensen
author/designer at A'mara Books
photographer/graphic artist for Viking Visual
verified author on Goodreads
find me on Twitter
blogging on: Steem, Whaleshares, WeKu, Hyperspace

Discord Link


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