RE: Life values ​​are like fingerprints - everyone has their own

Hello my dear friends. To be honest, I'm not in the best mood today. I feel very tired...

Hope you'll get your energy back in no time :)

I understand how it feels, even though I'm kinda young sometimes too I feel tired and not really wanting to do anything, you did this post and for that you should be proud! Great job

She and her husband clearly condemned my way of life... And it does not seem to me as they spoke about it quite openly. They didn't understand how they could choose animals over foreign trips, trendy clothes, and trendy hangouts. It was very stupid and embarrassing. I felt like a strange creature in a zoo.

As humans we do not understand what we do not experience, they must be too used to their way of living fully in The Matrix that when they see people that are trying to get out if it they don't understand and get scared, The Matrix has such an effect on them that they try to lure in it everyone they have around, the system is strong!

You should be proud of your way and actually you showed them something new, they just showed you what you have been seeing in your life for years, you win here, I respect you, not them, you, they should open up their mind a bit 😋

The problem is that often we are heavily dependent on public opinion. And we do not do what we love, but what is socially approved.

How right you right, I really enjoyed reading this and I definitely see more fun in spending time around animals than humans 🤗

Wish you a great day and say hello to your animals and birds 😋


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