Format it or Forget it [2 minute read]

Getting noticed is hard. Putting your thoughts into words is hard. Don't let poor formatting cost you readers and engagement. Good posts are like good gifts. They entice you, they are thoughtful in packaging and delivery .

Here's some tips and tools I use. Your mileage may vary, feel free to add experiences or ideas in the comments!

Use Graphs

Graphs will instantly give your post an air of credibility, bonus points if they're actually related to your topic.

Use Headers

Correct use of headers will cause your reader to be attracted to what's below it. Headers should give a general feel of what is to come, and somebody skimming your article should be enticed by your headers.

Use Bold and Italic

Bolded text directs your reader's attention to important points of your post. It can help with the creating of an overall foundation for your arguments or ideas to rest on. Italic text signifies the usage of quotes, citations or technical terms.

Use Short Paragraphs

The art of blogging lies in keeping things short, simple and to the point without giving up on quality or depth. Brevity will keep your reader focused and entertained. It'll also be easier on your keyboard and sanity.

Use Images. Wisely.

Humans are very visually oriented. The choice of a thumbnail can already decide how many clicks your article will get, no matter the catchy clickbait title or great content inside. Images should be related to your content in the same way your title would be. I prefer centering images, but this is a stylistic choice.

Use an External Editor

Using an external editor will save you valuable time editing your post once it's live on the blockchain. It's also a backup in case your pc crashes or Steemit eats your post. I like using for my markdown editing and previews. It's easy to import your unformatted notepad/word document into a similar tool.

If Possible, get a Second Opinion

It's hard to be objective about your own work after staring it down for hours on end. If you can't get a second opinion, close down your work for an hour or so to clear your mind. Reread it and edit anything you no longer like.

Learnt anything new today? Going to implement any of it in your own blogging and posting strategies? I would love to hear about it in the comments section BELOW!

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