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être vous - Be you.


I’ve come to realize that you have to be yourself. Sure, many have heard this countless times, to the point at which it just goes through one ear and out the other, never truly dwelling on the thought. But as I entered my early adult years, and began my transition from a naive adolescent boy to a developing adult, it became apparent to me that you simply cannot impress everyone; it goes to show that you should invest your time in the people that truly matter in your life - I can't tell you who this is, however, I know you all have those select people that come to mind immediately. But, I digress.

My ex-girlfriend had a tattoo on her lower back which read, “être vous.”

“eh-treh vu”
être, meaning “to be”
and vous, meaning “you"

This is French for, "be you.” I absolutely adore this combination of words. Simple, yet packed with truth.

I’ve always dwelled upon this quote. What does it mean to, “be yourself?” Isn’t it kind of funny that we have to be reminded to “be you”? This question presents itself to me in this manner frequently. We as humans are far from ideal, and are indefinitely flawed, which, I believe causes the quote to be considered. Do our flaws and imperfections cause us to stray from this concept of "ideal"? I oppose that belief and think the contrary. Our flaws and imperfections are what make us ideal. Flaws tend to make us strive to be better. Imperfections? They make us special and unique.

I think the hardest part about all of our thoughts that circulate through our heads every day is believing in them and converting them into actions. Whatever beliefs, fantasies, or ideals of yourself that you store inside your head, will remain simply beliefs, fantasies, and ideals unless they are carried out. Not being, or not at least working towards the goal of being the “you” in which you claim, or want to be, will cause you to be unsatisfied with life. There are a lot of variables in our lives but the one constant in your life is you. You are the most important thing in your life and you should hold yourself to the highest esteem.

Take action.

être vous