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Making a Monster in this Day in Age


Hello! This week I will be attempting to learn the program called Blender.

I have had this program downloaded for a long time, since way back when we used Blender and Gimp to create houses and scenes for a game on Fakebook.

Recently, if you have noticed, I started playing Second Life. One of the things you can do in the game is create whatever you want using 3D graphic software like Blender and then add codes to create actions.

I want to create clothes. Unfortunately for me, clothing is the hardest item in the game to create. Complicated to say the least.

One person in the forum suggested beginners try something simpler like a table or a chair. I have nothing against tables or chairs, but I decided I give up. I didn't want to learn all this.

But then @snook started a new challenge to create a monster. You can find the contest Here.

I'm thinking, how am I going to create a monster? Off to Google I go.

Google was no help.

Seems there's not a big demand for creation of monsters in any kind of game for a pc.

Even the ones on the phone were cheap looking, and not good enough for one of Snook's challenges. I mean it is her 2nd challenge, and I have to put some extra effort into this so I can surpass the fairy and the flying unicorn.

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Animate Quick Creature Simulations in Blender 2.82

So since Google failed me so miserably, I switched to You Tube. I found a cool video of how to create a monster using the Blender software. I also found my new computer graphics guru Kev Binge.

As cool as I think this video series is and as much as I want to dive right in, I am a beginner and I don't understand half of what he is saying. So I decided to start from the beginning and hope that by the deadline of the contest which is Saturday, I will have some sort of cool monster for the challenge.

For anyone who would like to learn with me check out the: Getting Started Guide for Blender.

This process seems simple, you take a circle and turn it in to a blob, make it move and then add some color or texture, so we'll see what happens.

Be sure to check out the Challenge if you'd like to make your own monster.

The winners are chosen randomly!

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Sprite Fright - Blender Open Movie

Until Next Time,

Happy Gaming!
