Unexpected Fate


Joe out of the supermarket located not far from his house while carrying a white plastic bag. He walked through the streets by the side of the road. The thick jacket wrapped around his sturdy body.

The night was seven o'clock at the time. At the final turn to his house, Joe sees a woman, who is about 30 years old being harassed by some bad boys.while snorting, he approached the woman.

"Look for someone else to bother you," Joe exclaimed, his eyes flashing with annoyance.

One of the children who disturbed the woman raised her hands. Feeling that Joe was with the woman he was harassing, the man then told his friends to leave. Back joking and chatting as if nothing had happened.Joe approached the woman. High and has the ideal body shape. Her beautiful face indicates that the woman has a smart brain. "Are you okay?" Joe asked then.

"Yes, I'm fine Thank you for helping me." The beautiful woman stared at some of the mischievous children who had bothered her, then turned to Joe, his lips forming a big smile as he stared at Joe."You have a handsome face," he commented.

"What?" Joe's eyebrows went up next to one another, puzzled by the woman's impressed expression.


"Yeah, you ... You've got a handsome face, a tall body and your looks are pretty good."
Joe paused, not understanding.
She smiled a little. Understand with Joe's confusion, he extends his hand then introduces himself."My name is Christie ..." Joe returned his hand. He immediately took a business card in his wallet. "This is my card. I'm looking for a new model face for my magazine. If you're interested, you can reach me ... "

Joe picked up a business card that Christie had given him. He looked at her for a moment, then turned back to Christie. "I'm not interested in"
"Just think first.if interested, will be able to reach me at that number. "Christie smiled gently. "Oh, and thanks again for the one just now," he said then went away.

Joe turned to see Christie walk away while staring at the business card in his hand. Model? He thought to himself.

Inside his room, Joe sat pensively at his desk. Look at the business card on the table.his fingers tapping the table over and over again to form a rhythm. He thought of something. Stare at the business card and switch to the phone.

Grabbing the phone, Joe pressed the numbers on the card. A ringing tone sounded in Joe's ear.

"Hello, good evening ... Who's with this?" A woman's voice was heard from across the phone.

Joe took a deep breath."Sorry, can talk to Christie. I'm Joe, we met on the street and he told "

"Ah! So you were the one?" Christie's voice was ecstatic when he found out Joe was in contact with her. "So are you interested in becoming a model in my magazine? I can give you a good honor if you're willing to cooperate with me."

"What job do I have to do?" Joe asked, instantly."You're going to be a model in my magazine, along with Angelina, for the new magazine theme that will come out later ... How do you agree?" Christie paused, "If you're interested, we can meet in my office and talk about it all."

Joe's head rose, staring up at the ceiling. Being a model and posing with a beautiful model Angelina that he did not like. "Sorry, no.maybe another time, "he said later.


Joe looked at Olivia sitting alone in the lawn chair. Read the book alone, as usual. The girl prefers to be alone and read a book whenever there is spare time in school. Unlike the other friends who were busy chatting, joking, and talking about many things.the girl is unique, but many people call it a bookworm, naive girl who does not know anything about the present trend. Like having his own world, and not caring about what's around.

"Joe ..."

Joe gasped, turned quickly to the side and found his close friend Bastian smiling naughty. "What are you doing here?" Joe snapped.

Bastian laughed crisply.his hands were placed on Joe's shoulders. "I should have asked that. Why do you keep staring at that nerdy girl? "Her eyes glanced at Olivia who focused on her book. Glasses perched on his face.

"I did not see it." Joe released Bastian's hand on his shoulder and went away.

"Do not run away, Joe!" Bastian exclaimed.his wide laugh as he followed Joe's stern footsteps that left the place.

"I do not want to be disturbed," Joe said.

Bastian quickened his pace. He put his arms around his shoulders until his body staggered forward. "Confess it, you like that nerdy girl right?" Bastian sighed.

"Talk what you are." Joe pushed Bastian's hand off his shoulder and Bastian again did it again."Come on, I know you like it." Bastian laughed, "It seems that your taste for woman has to be changed." She added mockingly, "You're really bad for women."
Joe snorted. He never won against Bastian in a debate. "Up to you.I do not want to joke. "

"Why? Do you think so much about her that you're not focused on doing things? "

"No, two days ago, someone offered me a model." Joe looked at Bastian for a moment, reading Bastian's face.

"Oh, that's good." Bastian gawked, staring at him in disbelief. "What?! model? Are you sure?"

Joe rolled his eyes, annoyed."Speak more slowly, Bastian. I do not want anyone to know about this, "Threatened Joe.

Bastian grinned, innocent. "Was that real? If so, you have to accept it. It's a great opportunity to further boost your popularity among girls. I'm sure they'll go crazy about you. "

"You're crazy."

"I am serious, stupid, listen to this friend of yours, you must accept it.and maybe, you can meet the beautiful model Angelina. The angel that men are in love with. "Bastian's head rose up. Imagine Angelina's beautiful face. "My God ... Angelina is a very beautiful girl."
Joe shook his head, left Bastian.


The blond man chased him while shouting for his name.In the park, Olivia enjoys reading books, walking without looking around. Suddenly someone yelled out something. And in the next second, he heard the sound of 'duk' right in front of him.

Olivia glared incredulously. Joe, standing in front of him, his hands lifted into the air, protecting him from a ball that almost hit his head."Joe ..."

"Look around you," Joe crouched down to pick up the ball, threw it on the field, one of the guys playing the bakset yelled out his forgiveness.

"Thank you, Joe, your hand ..." Shock saw his hands flush, Olivia stepped forward, almost touching his hand if he could not remember who he was.

"My hands are just flushed.do not worry. "Joe hides his hand back.

"Oh, I'm sorry ..."

"I told you it's all right," Joe said, annoyed.


"Stubborn girl."

Joe watched Olivia take two cans of soda in the beverage machine. Give one to him. The girl sat beside her, distancing. Resigned when the girl insisted on buying soda cans as gratitude.Joe opened his soda can, and handed it to Olivia, took Olivia's can of soda for herself.

"Thank you," Olivia said, embarrassed.

Joe took a sip of his can, watching Olivia in silence. "Are you always like this?"

"What?" Olivia turned, confused."Shut up with someone."

"Oh, I ..."

"You realize this is the first time we speak after 3 years of being in the same class," Joe murmured.

Olivia smiled faintly and replied, "Right."

Joe chuckled, heard Olivia's brief response. She placed a can of soda beside her seat and leaned against the wall. "Right?" She laughs crisply."Did I say anything wrong?"
"No, not really. Just feel you're too quiet. It confuses me, "I'm Joe.

Olivia looked up at Joe, who closed her eyes. Joe's eyelashes are thick and black. He was stunned when Joe's eyes suddenly opened, staring straight at him.

"Why look at me like that?" Joe asked. "What are you thinking about right now?"

Olivia immediately bowed her head, embarrassed."I do not know. Just feel you're too unpredictable. It confuses me. "

Joe's laughter was loud enough. The man stooped down to hold his laughter out without stopping. "Are you mocking me?"

It was the first time Olivia had seen Joe's laugh. Handsome, looks like a friendly person."No," Olivia said, "you started it yourself."

"Yes, you're right." Joe smiled again. "Enough for today, I have to go, thank you for the drink."

After school, Bastian stood upright in Joe's doorstep. Waiting for Joe who was putting his books in his bag. Her eyes caught the figure of Olivia sitting next to Joe's desk."See what you are? Changed mind to chase him?" Joe's greed, replying to what his friend did yesterday.He walked past Bastian, the man followed him from behind and aligned their steps.

"Impossible.He's not my type at all."

"So, what kind of girl do you like?"

Bastian thought, his hand was on his chin. "Hmm ...beautiful, sexy ... "His lips formed a big smile. "Well, like Angelina I think."
Joe ignored Bastian's words, and smiled mockingly.

"Hey, what about the offer being a model yesterday? You really reject it?" Bastian asked.

"Hmm ..."

"Consider again, shit, it's for your own good, do not waste the opportunity in front of your eyes," Bastian grumbled.if there's a baseball bat, maybe, he'll hit it straight into Joe's head to make his friend's head a little sane.

"Joe sniffed, a fussy Bastian, like that." I'll consider, "he said later.

"You sure? Well, why not do it since yesterday." Bastian hit his back softly, then put his arms around Joe's shoulder, happy."Listen, after this call that person and tell him you're willing to be a model."

"I'll do it if you close your mouth, Bastian."

Joe unlocks his cell phone and calls Christie back. Pressing the phone to the ear, the sound of connected tones sounds. Not a few seconds, Christie's voice began to be heard from across the phone.Christie's voice sounded excited, "Well, did you change his mind?" Christie said directly.

I'm willing to do it, "Joe said.

"Good, I thought you'd be interested in my offer. You have a handsome face to be a model, I never choose wrong, "Christie said confidently. That's true."Yes, when did I start doing it?"

"Come to my office to discuss it first.If all have agreed, our party will call you to give you a shooting schedule that you will do Oh, yes, bring one guardian to accompany you when you sign the contract later."

"Can I take my friend along?" Joe asked, thinking of Bastian's face that popped into his mind."He's like a brother to me."

"Yes, of course. Whatever it is, as long as you want to come. "


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