:r! date Dear Steemit

Tue Jul 18 08:20:46 WEST 2017

I've been falling out of love with Steemit. It's hard to say when this began, but perhaps the signs have been there since the beginning, last August. I had a Duolingo habit, I was flying, polishing off tree after tree, and then I blew my streak for Steemit: Steemit turned my head, took my attention.

And then this latest hard-fork, promising so much, but in the end ... meh. In the harsh light of day, it's not so rosy. But why say again what is already being said, and not only by low-profile accounts like myself. I have decided to take action, to try and save the relationship.

These last few hours I have un-followed many old favourite -- I want to make my feed interesting again, to change -- and I have followed a number more, accounts that I recognise from GOLOS. I want my Duolingo habit back, and I'm going to start with Russian. Again. I will also spend a bit of time with French, although in truth Duolingo is probably not helping me there and I should spend that time, the French time, with Lingq, or even reading Le Matin over an expresso in one of the local cafes. Perhaps I should simply delete my Duolingo French tree.

That's an interesting idea. There is a resistance to doing that which I think is based on a mistaken conception of knowledge accumulation. I will just simply delete the tree. I finished it a long time ago, and there will be hundreds of reviews waiting. It's the time that they would take, though, time better spent in another way.

I have been enjoying @skypal's latest posts, and also this morning's from @jmt. I think there is hope.

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