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The War of the Roses - Chapter 2

I had some decent feedback from Chapter 1, and thought it would be good to crack on with Chapter 2 - leave me some comments, I am keen to know which bits need fixing, whether there's much of a hook so far, or whether this is a flight of fancy that should be killed with fire. Let me know once you've read Chapter 2!

    Chapter 2

“There’s someone here to see you, your highness…” a voice called out from the hallway.

Molly leapt to her feet and pulled on a gown and some shoes as she ran towards the bedroom door. She wondered what news might greet her in the main hall.

“Is it news of my mother? Did someone find my dear Hanora?” she asked as she reached the top of the stairs to see the guard who’d disturbed her.

He was tall and awkward looking, she wondered if he’d been there on the night of the attack or whether he was someone new brought in as extra security. Either way she didn’t recognise him from his armour or voice.

“It’s a lady, ma’am, she would not tell me what it was about, she said she only wished to speak to you… and Prince Lonergan. She had this with her.”

The guard looked uncertain, he held up a red jewel with a black triangle carved into it.

“Send her in at once please, Derry and I will be down in a moment.”

She turned back towards the bedroom door to let Derry know they had a guest but could see he was frantically trying to button his tunic as he made his way to them.

A few moments passed before the door opened again, this time the guard was accompanied by a woman wearing a cloak and hood, her face was obscured. Derry entered the room just in time to greet them both.

“How honourable it is to meet you again my lady. Guard, please leave us alone for a while, we are in safe company and do not wish to be disturbed.”

The guard glanced at Molly for approval.

“You heard him, sir. You must obey him as though he were my father, understood?” she said forcefully.

The guard nodded and left, closing the door behind him.

After a few seconds had passed the woman took off her cloak and looked Molly in the eye.

“You can drop the disguise beast… no one will see you in here,” Derry ordered, taking a more casual tone now the guard had left them in peace.

“Please your highness, call me Cat, after all I bring you good news,” the woman hissed, her face turning red with flames.

“Is the job complete so soon, is the kingdom safe? Am I to become Queen?” Molly asked, shocked to see Cat’s disguise shifting from smooth white skin to deep bright flames.

“It was a simple task… you sound surprised?”

In truth Molly was very surprised. Derry had always bragged about the Lonergan strength, they were a family of knights and prize fighters, yet Fin had been outsmarted by nothing more than a single demon.

“We picked the right tool for the right job it seems.” Derry said dismissively.

“I suppose you used some kind of cunning trick to avoid his blade and escape unharmed then?” he sighed, sounding almost disinterested in what had happened between Cat and his brother.

The demon slid her hand to her hip.

“Not quite, when I showed him what was left of your sister he lost his mind and we fought well. I went easy on him, but he caught me with his blade and I had to flee”

“I’ve seen his temper many a time, a sight to behold. I’m surprised he didn’t split you down the middle where you stood like a real Lonergan man.”

“What happened next?” Molly asked.

The demon was taking too long to tell the tale, like she was hiding something from them.

“He killed himself,” she suddenly announced, Molly could see she was holding back a wry smile.

“He did what?” Derry called out in a high pitched moan. “That’s no way for a Lonergan to die!”

“You would have preferred he be murdered by the lowly Caorthannach?”

Molly could tell she was enjoying this opportunity to undermine his family.

As Cat told them the story in more detail Molly was horrified by the gory details, how her sister had been charred and how Fin fought and then took his own life on top of the mountain. Cat seemed to revel in the fact she’d succeeded where Derry had expected failure.

“So the prophecy is void then?” Molly asked. “I will be queen and Cauci will be safe now that my sister is dead?”

“The prophecy stated that your sister would destroy Cauci and thousands would die at her command. With you as Queen I for-see Cauci winning many battles, the Roses shall reign for centuries to come.”

Molly smiled, seeing Derry’s eyes light up at the last part. He had dreamed of becoming a ruler, he was next in line for the throne of Manapii. Joining a Rose with a Lonergan gave them the power of two thrones and two armies. He was worshiped as a hero for saving Molly and his family were extremely fond of her. A valuable ally for her to depend on if they were going to rule over the other kingdoms.

“We’ve saved them all from your sister’s tyranny, and soon we’ll rule over every man, woman and child in the relm. Our plan is almost complete” he beamed.

“Almost, but there is still the matter of my payment,” the demon hissed.

“I suppose we promised you gold for killing the girl, damages for the wound. But my brother’s death is an unfortunate outcome, and you’ve not given us any evidence to show for the death of the girl. For all we know they could both still be alive and on their way back here as we speak.”

The demon stuttered in surprise she looked ready to kill them where they stood.

“You cheating scum, your family have betrayed me time and time again, I rue the day I ever met King Lonergan!”

“You dare speak badly of my father? Make one foul move and our guards will destroy you, demon-”

“You dare cheat me? I delivered all you asked of me, your brother is responsible for destroying the evidence when he jumped to his death. I’ve been a slave to your family long enough” flames were forming in her hands as she held on to her rage tightly.

Molly sighed and pulled at Derry’s arm. She knew the Lonergan family were famed for their rough dealings and attention to detail.

It is said that a Lonergan would rent you a horse for a day and demand its manure be returned to them in a sack at the end, rather than left to be stolen by the farmers and peasants for their fields.

If something is agreed and not done, they’ll find a way to notice and a way to place you in their debt again.

“Just give her the deed as promised; we’ll keep the gold until we see some evidence. We’ll need to find a pair of corpses and dress them up in the meantime, give the kingdom some closure and a proper funeral. I’m sure we can find someone willing and able.”

Derry held out a rough piece of tattered paper.

“You’re free from all services to the kingdom of Manapii, as agreed, demon. If I see you here again, I will kill you for trespassing,” he said, not even looking Cat in the eye.

“If I ever see another Lonergan it will be too soon,” she snapped back at him before snatching the payment from his hands and placing it carefully in her pocket before it caught fire.

“Then you may make haste and leave my sight, vile creature.”

Molly walked her to the door, embarrassed by her fiancé’s rude attitude. He was known for being a brute but when they were alone together she saw a different, caring side to him, which she adored. She wished he could show that to their visitors too, but it didn’t fit for potential enemies and allies to see him as a push over.

“Thank you for your services, you have saved Cauci from certain destruction and assured my family’s reign will be long and prosperous. I know you do not wish to see my fiancé’s family again, but I will always remember you as an honoured friend of Cauci and a valuable servant to the throne which I shall soon sit upon.”

The demon let out a wry smile and hissed before reverting back to her disguise and leaving without speaking. Molly watched her disappear with the guard who was standing outside. She wondered why a Caorthannach had ended up working for Manapii in the first place, and whether there was any chance of her doing so again.

She might come in handy if they needed more firepower in future. Molly hoped the Lonergan charm had not burned that bridge for her forever.

“I can’t believe it; we’re going to rule over two whole kingdoms.”

She beamed at Derry as she returned to the bedroom where he was waiting for her in their bed.

“You will soon be Queen, but I can’t be King of Manapii until my father has passed. Once we’ve announced your father’s death and the death of Fin and Hanora we will be the darlings of the whole realm though, we can build our Kingdom here first and merge with Manapii when the time comes.”

Molly couldn’t help but smile despite the guilt inside of her. She had saved thousands of lives by having her sister killed, and as a reward for her sacrifice, fate had handed her two Kingdoms to rule over as Queen.

Click here for Chapter 3

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