Magic reality

Harry was sitting in his walled garden. It was just after sunrise and he was drinking his morning coffee when suddenly a fox appeared from the forest and stood at the bottom of the small wall surrounding his garden.

"Harry, go and find your keys, I would like to come in." The fox spoke.

"Hello fox, have they turned you into the Police?"

"They can't. There is a protection spell around my person, even they can't remove it. I would like to come in now, can I please?"

This startled Harry a little. He picked up his keys and walked inside, where the fox followed him, then he closed the door.

"Harry! Why are you doing this to me?" The fox asked.

"I'm sorry, but they have made me do it. They had some kind of a spell placed on me."

"But why?!?" The fox was getting agitated.

"They had me read a book and said that I would be able to see things that I see now."

"They said that?!"

"Yes, it was a very long time ago, and at that moment I was very young. I was disgusted with myself, and confused about what I was seeing. So I just put your words on the tape player, and for the last few years I've listened to them every night, and it is helping me a lot. I was already trying to leave my body but now I go a little deeper every morning."

"Thank you Harry, you're a very good person. I guess you think I'm a crazy fox, but I am not. For years I've been an outcast, because I could see things that other people couldn't see. I had to be careful with the things I said, sometimes I had a different opinion about things, or I told somebody the truth and they made me an outcast. I guess you're similar to me."

Harry said nothing, he just let the fox start talking.

"How did we get here?" The fox started.

"I guess it's because I read the same book that you did, and because I saw it in a book of my own, but I don't understand why you're here?"

"Harry, I am here for a reason. I don't mean to frighten you, or to annoy you. I just wanted to talk to you. Our worlds are just frameworks, there aren't many rules and they're pretty simple, but sometimes a world disappears and then a new one is created. This happens very often."

"I understand what you are saying but I didn't quite get it. I mean, if you can see the world I see, and you can speak and move around like you can here, why can't you teleport from place to place? Why can't you live like this? It's much easier, and much better."

"To do that, you need to believe, Harry. And you need to believe in yourself. None of the "real" people can do that. Nobody can tell you to do that. It has to come from inside, in your heart, and in your soul. They are very few people that can do that Harry, give it a try."

"This is all very strange, but you don't frighten me."

"Thank you Harry."

"What is your name?"

"I'm just Ted."

"Hello Ted". Harry said and smiled.

Harry was looking at Ted very carefully.

"What do you want to talk about, Ted?"

"Harry, you lived a long time in a cave. Do you remember the Christmas at number 4? Do you remember that girl?"

"Yes, I have thought about that many times. I know that you have seen her, they said she died in the house fire, just before I came to live here."

"Yes, she did, but she is not dead, or we should say it was another house then. It was between you two separated. The only way to get re-united is to break the connection. That way, when you die, you will always be together."

"I'm not afraid of death, I've already made my decisions, and I know what I want to do. I've seen that girl, she was beautiful. I wish I could have a lot of time to make her happy, and then we could die together. I'm too old to be able to make her happy now, but if I could, we might have a few years. I want to be with her forever, that was why I left my previous world, I wanted to find her and make her mine."

"Harry, you're too old to get her. You only have a few months to live, and you have already wasted many years of your life here. People made you waste your life, don't let them control you now. Nobody has any power over you Harry, not even the elves. You are the only one who has power over yourself. You have all these abilities inside of you, but you have never tried to utilise them to their full potential. Why don't you try?"

"Ted, I tried, and I was punished. When I woke up, they told me that I had failed completely, that I had stooped to their level and I was worthless. I don't want to fail again, I don't want to disappoint people. I've let my wife down a few times, and I don't want that to happen again. I will try though."

"Thank you Harry. It means a great deal to me."

Ted disappeared. Harry didn't move, he was listening for a second but he could hear nothing. Maybe he had dreamed it all, or maybe it was a hallucination?

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