The weird reason I'm locked to my city

This is Veles.

Sunset Over Veles.jpg

The city I grew up in, the city I'm a prisoner of.
While my thoughts are always outside, daydreaming about moving out and never looking back, my reality is quite the opposite.
Maybe it's why I daydream about leaving so much.

But leaving, at least for me, is all but simple. And the shackles that hold me? Two people that I can't take with me, and I can't leave behind.

Two people - two thirds of my being. Two thirds of my knowledge. Two thirds of my fine balanced equation.

Now, all I got left is two thirds of my memories. And their real value boils down to a prison cell sentence. I got all of 'em stored in a tiny cell, up there, somewhere deep inside my mind. And I can enjoy them all day long, keep coming back to them.

But there's no abandoning them.

I always tend to be reasonable and objective when it comes to solving problems, but this one is, I feel, out of my reach.

My final plan is to work myself to the end, spend as much time as possible with my niece and my son, teach them everything I know, make all the money possible with what I do, and make sure my two angels are able to find a good place to look for their chance.

To start from scratch, create all the things that matter - and I couldn't do.

Because, my chains are not coming off.

And, when I go, I'm gladly bringing them down with me.

Beneath the city, to finally solve my equation again.

RIP Lucky

Dedicated to Liliya and Phillip, if you two little rascals ever get your eyes on this.

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