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Why I don't publish my freewrites anymore

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Here I am, coming back to Hive after a long hiatus. We’ve all gone through a lot in the last year, spending it however we could. I focused on family and finishing my master’s degree. I graduate in July with an English and Creative Writing degree.

So, I’ve been learning a lot, writing a lot, and planning a lot. Part of that planning is working to get my short stories published.

I’ve found great resources on where to submit, which I’ll write up someday soon. But I’ve also found a big stumbling block: most places won’t accept previously published work, even if it is your own personal blog. That’s a bummer, because some of my favorite story ideas came from freewrites. And I enjoyed posting, sharing, and commenting with everyone here.

But now, I have to keep all my freewrites hidden away in case I want to build a story on the idea, or enjoy what I wrote so much I use some of it directly (with editing, of course).

I’m now working on my thesis, a fantasy story I’ve been working on for almost two decades (time to finish, right?), but I still need to work on my shorts too. I also want to get back to posting here and sharing some of what I’ve learned about writing in the last couple of years.

I hope I can offer some useful information my fellow writers here can use. I’m also excited to get reading some of the amazing things people post here, freewrites included!

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