Journaling: A form of Self-Expression

Expressing our emotions and feelings to close friends and family can be one of the most challenging thing to do especially, when we lack effective communication skills, worry about being judged or criticized, feel like we will not get a listening ear or even fear of being a burden to others. This can make us to bottle up our emotions, which can affect us over time as they try to find a way out.

However, instead of getting caught in our emotions and allowing them control us, we can try expressing ourselves in different ways that doesn't necessarily involve talking to people. Journaling, for example, is an alternative to talking to people.

Journaling is all about penning down your thoughts and feelings in a book, more like keeping a diary, where we whine about basically everything. One beautiful aspect of journaling is that it gives room for self-expression without an individual having to worry about being judged, misunderstood or criticized, I mean a book can't talk, shout or yell at you or even spill your secrets.

The essence of journaling is to be able to express oneself without reservation. To do this, you need to just write, do not hold back; pen down every single feeling. Don't worry about grammatical or writing mistakes; it is not an essay.

Personally, I write in my journal just as I would talk to my best friend about how I felt regarding a particular issue, without reserving a sing word.

Sometimes it is even better to write in your own language or a language in which you find it easy to communicate with, it doesn't necessarily have to be English. And You don't need an official introduction in your journal; you can start with how you felt when a particular incident occurred, your feelings about a specific person, your mistakes, happy days, your crush, and so many other things you would like to talk about. Just be yourself, don't worry; your journal is not going to tell on you.

In addition to expressing your emotions, journaling can be beneficial in other ways. A gratitude journal, for example, is a form of self-expression where, instead of focusing on the negative aspects of life or venting about problems, you concentrate on the positive aspects.

You write down things that make you happy or that you're grateful for, whether big or small. This could include a thoughtful gift you received, a memorable day, or anything that brings a smile to your face. If you're unsure how to begin, you can ask yourself questions like, 'What are the things that made me smile today?' or 'Which individuals am I grateful for and why?' Asking such questions encourages reflection, and when you find the answers, write them down in your journal.


Writing about your thoughts and feelings can act as a form of stress relief. It allows you to release pent-up emotions, potentially reducing feelings of anxiety, sadness and tension. Journaling regularly can enhance your ability to express your thoughts and feelings. This can also have positive effects on your verbal communication skills as well. Overall, it is a practice that improve various aspect of one's life, promote personal development and emotional-well.

first image from pixabay

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