Guess What? #1

Hi my friends!
Now I'm going to take you to the 19 century!
I'm sharing a fragment from a novel, a pretty famous one. It caused me a big impression about how much we have changed!

Can you find out from which novel is it? I'm waiting for your answer! Let's have some fun!


‘How wonderfully they make this soap,’ he said gazing at a piece of soap he was handling, which ....... ............ had put ready for the visitor but ............... had not used. ‘Only look; why, it’s a work of art.’
‘Yes, everything’s brought to such a pitch of perfection nowadays,’ said .............. ................, with a moist and blissful yawn. ‘The theater, for instance, and theentertainments a—a—a!’ he yawned. ‘The electric light everywhere a—a—a!’
‘Yes, the electric light,’ said ........

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